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. Minutes -..San Leandro City Council. Meeting - September 20, 1993 Page '- 8 - <br /> CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS (continued) <br /> She said it is not known yet if it will meet the students' critical <br /> needs, but input has been solicited from the school districts. The <br /> second phase for 1994-95 will look at further reductions, if possible, <br /> to bring the program to $30,000 per year. She said there are a lot of <br /> variables and understands there is community concern. She said the <br /> safety of our children is paramount. She said the Chief is putting <br /> together a response which will be forwarded to the City Council . <br /> Council Member Corbett said the concern is to get the word out that the <br /> City is concerned about the impact and will ensure there is coverage in <br /> any way possible. She said the story made it look like none of this <br /> discussion had come forward. <br /> Council Member Myers said he and Council Member Polvorosa were on the <br /> Finance Committee. He said the school districts would not go along <br /> with any of the volunteer programs or student programs because of the <br /> liability. He said the school districts left it entirely up to the <br /> City of San Leandro. He said the City is taking care of the students <br /> and will continue to take care of them. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa said the School District does not take <br /> responsibility in this matter. He said they left it all up to the <br /> City, and they do not take any initiative. He said they left it up to <br /> the City to finance the crossing guards, and the burden falls <br /> completely on the City's shoulders. He said the School District <br /> doesn't have to do a thing. <br /> Ms. Grycz-Hernandez said, up until the last session in Sacramento, it <br /> was the law that the City assume part of the responsibility regarding <br /> crossing guards. She said SB 443 relieved local entities from <br /> crossing-guard programs, but the relief has a sunset clause in January <br /> 1996, unless there is additional passage of law to extend the relief. <br /> She said the City is taking responsibility for the crossing guard <br /> program unwillingly and without any legal mandate to do so. <br /> D. Council Member Perry thanked the Library for displaying the "Together <br /> As One" sculpture by San Leandro High School students, displaying our <br /> diversity. She said it is a wonderful sculpture. <br /> E. Council Member Nahm said there are a number of opinions in the <br /> community as to the compensation for elected officials. He feels it <br /> would be appropriate at this time to review the compensation of the <br /> Mayor. He asked that a City Council subcommittee be formed to study <br /> the matter and report back in 45 days. He said he feels the present <br /> salary is too high and represents an unrealistic disparity for the <br /> amount of work done. <br /> Mayor Faria appointed Council Members Nahm, Polvorosa, and Myers to a <br /> subcommittee to report back in 45 days. <br />