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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 4, 1993 Page - 12 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Myers asked if Citation has submitted all the information <br /> that is required <br /> Mr. Alvarez said the last correspondence received from DTSC asked for <br /> the background study which was filed on September 24, 1993 and as of <br /> that date the Department has all of the information, as required. Since <br /> that time it has not asked for additional information. He said DISC is <br /> in the process of reviewing the documents but have not let them know if <br /> they have completed their analysis. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Joe Grigsby, Financial Officer of 713 Carpenters Union, residing at 331 <br /> Moraga Avenue, Piedmont, submitted petitions with 170 signatures in <br /> favor of the project. He said some of their members are strong <br /> environmentalists and they all want to see improvements as far as the <br /> environment is concerned. He discussed changes in bird populations in <br /> the Leslie Salt area in Fremont and on Bay Farm Isle. He said people <br /> need first class housing. He said the City should move forward with <br /> this project. <br /> Kathy Sanchez, Marina Gardens Homeowners Association, 14723 Doolittle <br /> Drive, San Leandro, urged the Council not to approve the PDP application <br /> and related agenda items for Phase 1A and 1B. She said, based on <br /> communications from DTSC and the documentation related to the toxics <br /> -issue, there is not sufficient information on which to make an informed <br /> and prudent decision to ensure the public's health and safety and <br /> financial security. She said the PEA by HLA was found inadequate by <br /> DTSC, which has been requesting answers to their questions and <br /> additional documentation; and since DISC has not completed their review <br /> it is unknown if further information and/or tests may be necessary. She <br /> said the entire site has not been fully characterized, effects of the <br /> contamination from areas 2 and 3 to Phases lA and lB has not been <br /> determined, and testing of the underground water has not been performed <br /> for Phase IA and 1B. She spoke regarding the DISC meeting regarding <br /> contamination from underground water at Sandpiper Condominiums and said <br /> it is an immense and complex problem to resolve once it exists. She <br /> said, on this project, the toxics issue is relegated further down the <br /> ladder of priorities to the building permit stage and the perception is <br /> given to the public that the toxics issue is not any more important than <br /> the style of the homes even though there are currently contamination <br /> problems in San Leandro with Sandpiper and Century Plating. She said a <br /> decision on approval of the POP and related agenda items for Phase IA <br /> and lB should be delayed until DISC has certified the property safe for <br /> occupancy. <br /> Dr. Dilio said the evaluation he did deals with Phases 1A and 1B and was <br /> made on the basis of the information that had been submitted. In his <br /> opinion, it is not a toxic issue in so far as 1A is concerned. <br />