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Minutes 1993 1004
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Minutes 1993 1004
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•• <br /> Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 4, 1993 Page - 18 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> buffer will work because of the discussion over the last three years and <br /> the placement of the shoreline trail . He said East Bay Regional Parks, <br /> as well as environmental groups have been supporting extending the trail <br /> from Neptune, so that it would be immediately adjacent to the shoreline, <br /> but Fish and Wildlife said no and suggested that the trail be placed on <br /> the Citation property. He said the Swale is there as a drainage area, <br /> part of RWQCB requirements, and is a state-of-the-art method, and is not <br /> going to collect water. Ms. Delfino questioned the trail ending in the <br /> wetland area. Staff described the configuration of the trail . <br /> John Popovich, 555 Doan Street, San Lorenzo, said he lived at Roberts <br /> Landing in 1931 as an employee of Trojan. He said a recent newspaper <br /> article stated dredge disposal material that was hauled away had a high <br /> lead content, probably from Roberts Landing and Trojan. He said Trojan <br /> didn't use lead as a product for their powder. He said there was never <br /> any litter on the site when he worked there and he does not recall any <br /> dump there. In response to Council questions, he said the Phase 1A and <br /> 1B area was used for growing grass and raising cattle and the only <br /> building was a caretaker's building. <br /> Bill Silva, City Engineer, described the alignment of the trail and <br /> public access. <br /> Kateri Harrison, 430 1/2 Breed Avenue, said the Conditions of Approval <br /> require a bond for toxic remediation for both the developable area and <br /> open space area and asked if the open space area would still be cleaned <br /> up if the no fill plan is followed. Mr. Mattas said Citation's <br /> obligation to dedicate the open space property will only arise from the <br /> fill plan, and in that event the bond will cover the entire property. <br /> In the no fill plan and the fill plan, clean up in the open space areas <br /> is to the extent that DISC requires clean up. He said the City is <br /> requiring the bonding and clean up of the areas within the no fill and <br /> fill plans and requiring the clean up for the entire area. If DISC <br /> determines that a contaminate may exist in the open space that impacts <br /> the development, then DISC will require it be cleaned up. When DISC <br /> does that, then it will become a Condition of Approval . They will be <br /> bonding for entire site. He said the amount of the bond will be <br /> determined prior to commencing Phase 1A based on DTSC's analysis. <br /> In response to questions, Mr. Mattas explained that the delineation of <br /> responsibility is that DISC is handling the developing areas, the <br /> Regional Board is handling open space areas. The condition is written <br /> such that " . . .any local , state, or federal agency. . . " He said under <br /> border zone property laws, if the DISC evaluation determines that an <br /> open space area is a hazardous waste area, then there are laws which <br /> prevent development within 2,000 feet unless the site is cleaned up. <br /> DTSC would require a covenant on the land. He said the City will <br /> determine what needs to be done and will make a reasonable estimate of <br /> the cost. He said the cost would not be based on whether or not the <br /> developer can make a profit. <br />
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