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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 15, 1993 Page - 6 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> City Council adopt the Tentative Vesting Map with the Findings in the <br /> Resolution and incorporating the Supplemental Environmental Impact <br /> Report for the Precise Development Plan for Phase 1 as the <br /> environmental documentation for Phase 1B Vesting Tentative Map. He <br /> noted two reports prepared by Harding Lawson Associates concerning the <br /> Background Metals Concentration Study and Hydraulic Gradient <br /> information. He noted a letter received on November 12th from HLA <br /> which was faxed to the City Council on the 12th. He also read a letter <br /> from SWA, the landscape architect, received on November 15, 1993, <br /> clarifying their submission on Roberts' Landing, stating their intent <br /> is to not disturb habitat areas along the trail and to provide a small <br /> wooden bridge over a small section of the habitat area along the <br /> southwest corner of Phase 1B. <br /> Mr. Emslie described the status of review of the project by other <br /> agencies. He said the Regional Water Quality Control Board recommended <br /> to State Lands that Citation be permitted to proceed with the wetland <br /> enhancements, and State Lands has given approval for Citation to enter <br /> State Lands' property and begin dredging and restoration of the <br /> sloughs. <br /> In response to City Council questions, Mr. Emslie said the seven <br /> removed lots would not have anything done to them. He said the cul -de- <br /> sac alignment would. remain the same, and the lots would go back to <br /> wetlands. He said there would be no development on the wetlands, and <br /> pedestrian access would be across a bridge which would not affect the <br /> wetlands. He said the developer must still meet all Department of <br /> Toxic Substance Control requirements. He said it is staff's <br /> understanding there is no threat to public health from Phase 1B. He <br /> said the buffer zone would stay in its current configuration, and the <br /> trail would stay the same. <br /> Ed Alvarez, Vice President, Citation Homes, said he would reserve his <br /> comments until the end of the Hearing. <br /> Council Member Myers asked why Citation was deleting the 7 lots. Mr. <br /> Alvarez said it simplifies the question of what kind of wetland fill <br /> permit is required. He said, if they get a fill permit, they. will <br /> request approval to add the lots back into the project. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Janice Delfino said removal of the lots will isolate the trail and <br /> change its characteristics. She said residents of the development are <br /> excluded from access to the trail . Mr. Alvarez said there is no access <br /> to the trail from the development and explained other access points. <br /> Mrs. Delfino said the trail ends abruptly in the marsh. She said there <br /> is an 8-acre wetland and, if the developer is going with a . no-fill <br /> permit, he should have a 50' -minimum buffer. In response to questions, <br /> staff pointed out the location of lots 99 and 100, which are both in <br /> the buffer area. <br />