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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 18, 1994 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> this would have on the value of his property and perhaps have an <br /> appraiser give a report. <br /> Steve Meyers, City Attorney, said the City Council has never determined <br /> approval or disapproval of a Conditional Use based upon an appraiser's <br /> view of the value of a property. He said the City Council and the <br /> Board of Zoning Adjustments must make Findings based upon fact in order <br /> to deny Applications. <br /> Mr. Litke said he is concerned there would be seepage from this <br /> property to his property and he would be responsible for cleanup, which <br /> would affect the value of his property. He said he did soils tests on <br /> his property before he bought it and it was clean. <br /> Mr. Litke said Ms. Falcon had asked if there was some way they could <br /> work something out and had said she was trying to get a $5 million <br /> insurance policy on the property. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Tony Yacek, Owner of W. C. Rose Company, the property across the <br /> street, said the site used to be an auto-wrecking yard, so there are <br /> probably toxics left from it. He said right down the street is a large <br /> paint corporation which has a lot of toxics, as does W. R. Grace <br /> Company. He said, if he were next door, he would be concerned also; <br /> but he feels this has gone through all the State and Federal <br /> Regulations so it has to be a clean operation. He said everyone on the <br /> street has problems. He said, although he sees Mr. Litke's point, <br /> everything you touch today has toxics; and, if the Falcons get the <br /> approval , they will have to live by the standards. <br /> Monica Falcon, daughter of the owner of Waste Oil Recovery, Inc. , said <br /> she sympathizes with Mr. Litke. She said their company has been in <br /> operation since 1978, and they have never had a spill on the highway. <br /> She said their maintenance and training measures take all precautions <br /> necessary to ensure accidents are at low, low minimums. She said, <br /> regarding the disguise of waste oil , Alameda County and State officials <br /> require all waste oil be segregated and inspected. She said the <br /> containment area, which had been described as experimental , is state of <br /> the art. She said the State of California has mandated the company <br /> have $1 .2 million of auto liability, and the company has actually had <br /> $5 million for over eight years in auto liability and general <br /> liability. She suggested they could name Mr. Litke and his property as <br /> additional insured in the event of a release onto his property, which <br /> she thinks would be extremely unlikely. She described the containment <br /> area. She also submitted information from an appraiser and from the <br /> State EPA and noted they plan on dealing with the existing soil <br /> contamination on the site. <br /> In response to Council questions, Ms. Falcon further described the <br /> containment area, how material is monitored, and testing that is done <br /> by the drivers as they pick up material . She showed slides of the <br />