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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 18, 1994 Page - 6 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> In response to Council questions, Mr. Penaranda said there are already <br /> signs in the Redevelopment Area, Underground Utilities Area, and Scenic <br /> Corridor. He said signs which are considered priority signs must come <br /> down within six months, and the companies will receive credit balances <br /> to relocate them. He said, under the new administrative review, an <br /> appeal of the Development Services Director's decision will go directly <br /> to the City Council to cut down on the amount of processing. <br /> City Council noted the Agreements did not contain any provisions <br /> related to requirements for graffiti removal . <br /> City Attorney Steve Meyers noted the signs would be subject to the <br /> City's graffiti ordinance, but a section could be added. <br /> Al Reid, consultant to Patrick Media, said their Company would be <br /> agreeable to including a condition related to removal of graffiti . <br /> Steve Shinn, Gannett Outdoor, said his Company would also be agreeable. <br /> The following Resolution was then introduced: <br /> Resolution No. 94-10, Resolution Approving Agreement with Gannett <br /> Outdoor (provides rules and regulations for the maintenance and <br /> relocation of billboards in the City) . (1147) <br /> Introduced by Council Member Myers, who moved its adoption, as amended, <br /> seconded by Council Member Corbett, and carried by the following called <br /> vote: <br /> AYES: Council Members Corbett, Kerr, Myers, Nahm, Perry, Polvorosa; <br /> Mayor Faria ( 7 ) <br /> NOES: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSENT: None ( 0 ) <br /> B. Resolution No. 94-11 , Resolution Approving Amendment to Agreement with <br /> Patrick Media Group, Inc. , Formerly Known as Foster & Kleiser <br /> (Resolution No. 85-96) , (amends existing agreement to permit billboards <br /> in redevelopment areas, underground utility districts, and scenic <br /> corridors, and to allow for administrative review instead of site <br /> development review) . (1147) <br /> Introduced by Council Member Kerr, who moved its adoption, as amended, <br /> seconded by Council Member Nahm, and carried by the following called <br /> vote: <br /> AYES: Council Members Corbett, Kerr, Myers, Nahm, Perry, <br /> Polvorosa; ( 6 ) <br /> NOES: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSENT: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSTAIN: Mayor Faria ( 1 ) <br />