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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 4, 1994 Page - 5 - <br /> 7. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Resolution Approving Contractual Services Agreement with Russell L. <br /> Hamm (provides for professional services to the members of the Alameda <br /> County Joint Street Light Acquisition Joint Powers Agreement) . <br /> Bob Taylor, Director of Public Works Services, said this item <br /> represents one of the first entrepreneurial actions taken as a result <br /> of the City Council budget strategies. He said Mike Oliver coordinated <br /> this matter through the City Manager's group and then Mr. Taylor worked <br /> with the representatives from the various cities. He said all 12 <br /> agencies have street lighting in Alameda County owned by PG&E and are <br /> members of this Joint Powers Agreement. He said Mr. Hamm has gone <br /> through most of the street-light acquisition projects in the State. He <br /> said the JPA designates San Leandro to be the lead agency and to <br /> oversee any contracts or legal documents. He said all 12 agencies will <br /> participate in the cost. <br /> The following Resolution was then introduced: <br /> Resolution No. 94-58, Resolution Approving Contractual Services <br /> Agreement with Russell L. Hamm (provides for professional services to <br /> the members of the Alameda County Joint Street Light Acquisition Joint <br /> Powers Agreement) . (2323) <br /> Introduced by Council Member Perry, who moved its adoption, seconded by <br /> Council Member Polvorosa, and carried by the following called vote: <br /> AYES: Council Members Corbett, Kerr, Myers, Nahm, Perry, Polvorosa; <br /> Mayor Faria ( 7 ) <br /> NOES: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSENT: None ( 0 ) <br /> B. Resolution Amending Title 6, Chapter 4 of the San Leandro <br /> Administrative Code Relating to Fees and Charges for Services Provided <br /> by City Departments - Development Fees for Street Improvements - DFSI <br /> (amends the fee schedule to exempt restaurants from Development Fees <br /> for Street Improvements [DFSI] ) . <br /> The City Council said Mr. Rosenga' s comments regarding this matter <br /> should be considered. They stipulated the matter would come back in 90 <br /> days as to which types of restaurants would enjoy this incentive. They <br /> said they did not want to eliminate fast-food restaurants permanently. <br /> The City Council requested that an analysis of DFSI be prepared. <br />