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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 4, 1994 Page - 9 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Lou Filipovich, said this station is known as a secondary station; it <br /> is open 24-hours and sells diesel . He said it sells to trucks which <br /> come in from 150 miles away, and the traffic circulation cannot be <br /> changed if Mr. Simas is going to service trucks. He said if there are <br /> no rest rooms the station cannot qualify as a secondary station. He <br /> said it is mostly outside people. He said if the station does not want <br /> to have a rest room they will have to have their diesel rights taken <br /> away. He said the City Council should let Mr. Simas do what he wants, <br /> and make sure he has a rest room. <br /> Scott Grubbs, 13475 Bancroft Avenue, said this is one of the cheapest <br /> places in town to buy gas. He said it is difficult to get employees to <br /> pick up litter. He said there should be a rest room because Wendy's <br /> closes at midnight and the BART rest room is difficult to get to. <br /> Carol Simas, Wife of the Applicant, said some years ago a portion of <br /> the property was taken by the City, and it makes it a crazy site to <br /> work with. She said she understands concerns about rest rooms and <br /> about mobility on the lot. She said the Council should consider the <br /> safety of the public. She said the way traffic circulation exists now <br /> is probably the best circulation considering what is left of the site. <br /> She said the Planning Commission decided rest rooms were not a good <br /> idea because of the additional congestion they might create. She said <br /> they are not trying to increase sales but to upgrade the site to stay <br /> competitive. <br /> Dana Johnson, Farrelly Drive, said he found it hard to believe the City <br /> Council talks about bringing business to town but they are beating up <br /> this business owner over rest rooms when he is trying to improve his <br /> business. He said there is a lot of crime in the area and rest rooms <br /> would not be worth it. <br /> There being no further comments from the public, on motion of Council <br /> Member Corbett, seconded by Council Member Kerr, and carried <br /> unanimously, the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> Council Member Myers said there have been no rest rooms at this <br /> location for a number of years, and it has not caused any problems. He <br /> said the rest rooms should not be open at night anyway. <br /> There was a motion made by Council Member Corbett, seconded by Council <br /> Member Kerr, to approve PD-93-7, GDP/PDP and CU-94-4. <br /> There was continued discussion by City Council regarding the matter of <br /> rest rooms. Council Members Nahm and Polvorosa said they felt rest <br /> rooms should be provided. <br /> Council Member Nahm asked Council Member Corbett if she would be <br /> willing to modify her motion to include rest rooms. Council Member <br /> Corbett said she would not. <br />