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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 18, 1994 Page - 3 - <br /> 7. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Resolution Approving Award of Contract to Dutra Construction for San <br /> Leandro Shoreline Marshlands Enhancement, Project No. 94-8673 <br /> (recommends award to the low bidder for the bid amount of $918,800.00) . <br /> Bill Algire, Director of Engineering and Transportation, summarized the <br /> activities that have taken place so far with regard to the Shoreline <br /> Marshlands Enhancements project. The recommendation by staff was to <br /> approve a Contractual Services Agreement with Environmental Science <br /> Associates. He described the history of the project. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa asked how many agencies had to be dealt with <br /> in order to enhance the area. Mr. Algire said there were 13 to 14 <br /> agencies. Council Member Polvorosa stated it is unfortunate the City <br /> has to deal with so many agencies in order to enhance the marshlands <br /> and said he told Congressman Stark something needs to be done to <br /> streamline the process because it should not have taken as long as it <br /> did to get to where we are at this time. <br /> Council Member Myers commended staff for their efforts. <br /> Council Member Nahm stated that, due to the potential conversion <br /> activity at the Naval Air Station, an alternative site may be under <br /> way. <br /> Steve Meyers, City Attorney, stated that, when the City put together <br /> the Agenda, they did not anticipate the City would have received the <br /> BCDC Permit; but, due to the efforts of City staff and the consultant, <br /> the City received the Permit today. He recommended that the Resolution <br /> approved tonight be amended to delete the contingency related to the <br /> Permit from BCDC. The City Attorney also stated that the City has not <br /> received the right of entry from Citation Homes over their property; <br /> however, the City has every indication that there will be no problem in <br /> receiving the right of entry from Citation Homes in order to continue <br /> with this project. <br /> The following Resolution was then introduced: <br /> Resolution No. 94-62, Resolution Approving Award of Contract to Dutra <br /> Construction for San Leandro Shoreline Marshlands Enhancement, Project <br /> No. 94-8673 (recommends award to the low bidder for the bid amount of <br /> $918,800.00) . (2755) <br /> Introduced by Council Member Kerr, who moved its adoption, seconded by <br /> Council Member Polvorosa, and carried by the following called vote: <br /> AYES: Council Members Corbett, Kerr, Myers, Nahm, Perry, Polvorosa; <br /> Mayor Faria ( 7 ) <br /> NOES: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSENT: None ( 0 ) <br /> A <br />