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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 6, 1994 Page - 3 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> G. Elliot Katz, Veterinarian and President of In Defense of Animals, said <br /> the City should prepare a full EIR and conduct a public hearing on this - <br /> matter. He said the signs say the squirrels will be artificially <br /> reduced, but people do not understand this wording and do not realize <br /> the ramifications of their acts. He said the sign should say, if the <br /> squirrels are fed, it may result in their being killed or poisoned. He <br /> said the City should take stronger measures in educating people. He <br /> suggested the use of repellents in the burrows to eliminate the <br /> • problems with undermining and to irrigate the land, which would drive <br /> the squirrels away. <br /> H. Raymond Dittum, 1148 Teajen Drive, Hayward, said irrigation would bring <br /> back the natural grasses and would also help immensely in driving the <br /> squirrels away. He said those feeding the squirrels should be fined <br /> with a misdemeanor. He said animals.other than the squirrels will also <br /> be poisoned. <br /> I. Susan Riskind-Poulsen, 182 Sunnyside, spoke regarding the dangers of <br /> pesticides. She said children and animals eat pesticides. She said <br /> the City should look into wildlife contraception or a more humane means <br /> of reducing the population that would not endanger other life forms. <br /> J. Michael Jacobowitz, 825 Collier Drive, said he thinks it's important <br /> that San Leandro has a place where people can feed the animals; and, if <br /> there were a specific location, the animals would go there. <br /> K. Dana Johnson, 343 Farrelly, requested the Oro Loma Agreement be removed <br /> from the Agenda. He said recycling trucks will place a triple burden <br /> on City streets and require more repairs. He quoted a Daily Review <br /> article regarding scavenging problems in Richmond and an increase in <br /> burglaries and said the City should have anti-scavenging laws. He said <br /> the City would suffer a lose of revenue because there would be a <br /> decrease in the tonnage taken to the Davis Street Transfer Station. He <br /> also spoke regarding the squirrels and said they are rodents; and, if <br /> it were a rat infestation, people would not object to it. He said, if <br /> irrigation is used and drives the squirrels away, they will just go <br /> somewhere else. <br />