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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 13, 1994 Page - 7 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Minute Order No. 94-32. Matter of Resolution Amending the Fee Schedule <br /> for the Development Fee for Street Improvements (amends the DFSI fee <br /> schedule to index the fees annually based upon the Construction Cost <br /> Index) . (2575) <br /> On motion by Council Member Kerr, who moved its approval , seconded by <br /> Council Member Galvan, and carried by the following called vote, the <br /> City Council tabled the Resolution Amending the Fee Schedule for the <br /> Development Fee for Street Improvements. <br /> AYES: Council Members Galvan, Kerr, Loeffler, Myers, Perry, <br /> Polvorosa ( 6 ) <br /> NOES: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSENT: Mayor Corbett ( 1 ) <br /> 6. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> A. Council Member Loeffler noted a variety of recent activities. He said <br /> he attended the St. Peter's Celebration and was impressed by their <br /> outreach program to seniors; he noted the 10th Anniversary Celebration <br /> of the Emergency Shelter Alliance and said he was pleased San Leandro <br /> had a major role; and also commented on the very successful Shoreline <br /> Run and Cherry Festival . <br /> B. Council Member Kerr commended Vice Mayor Myers on his work as Vice <br /> Mayor. He said the Cherry Festival Parade was more diversified than <br /> ever and there was good coverage of the event by the Daily Review. He <br /> said he was impressed by the participation by the schools. He also <br /> commented on the Flag Day Ceremony, MC'd by Council Member Loeffler. <br /> He said everyone did an excellent job and commended Martin Francis. <br /> C. Council Member Polvorosa commended the San Leandro Fire Department for <br /> adopting a soundwall on Highway 880 and giving of their time to this <br /> effort. <br /> He commended Joann Scilley and Clif Hayden for their excellent work in <br /> keeping the community graffiti -free. <br /> He said he had toured the City facilities and said Washington Manor <br /> Park is a beautiful park and people really enjoy it. <br /> He said he attended the Bonaire Civic League meeting and $350 <br /> scholarships were presented to Kelly Jeans, Samuel Francis, Kevin Stout <br /> and Trinh Tran. <br /> D. Council Member Perry said the Cherry Festival Parade was outstanding <br /> and said there was a good cross-section of people involved. <br /> She noted this is graduation week and commended the Youth Advisory <br /> Commissioners and Partnership Committee members, Anisha Antony, Trinh <br /> Tran and Candy Yu for their scholarships and service to the City. <br />