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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 18, 1994 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS. (continued) <br /> The supplier of the service estimates what will be received from <br /> selling the recycled product and then charges the City the difference. <br /> Ms. Holcomb said she objects to the green waste fee because she does <br /> not produce green waste. <br /> Lawrence Lancaster, 32 Carpentier St. , asked how this program was <br /> applied to condominiums. Mr. Taylor explained how the fee was applied <br /> to dwellings with five units or more. <br /> Justin Negrella, 1670 - 142nd Ave. , said this program takes away choice <br /> and will not force those who don't recycle to do so, but will increase <br /> homeowners' bills. He said the service should be provided for free and <br /> feels that the company makes a considerable amount of money from the <br /> recycled materials. He said if he has to sort his materials, he would <br /> prefer to take them to the recycling center himself. He said the <br /> program should be purely voluntary. <br /> Lubos Dodecky, 271 Begier Ave. , said the program should be voluntary, <br /> and asked what the direct cost of collection and overhead would be. <br /> Mr. Taylor said it costs $5.64 a month to provide this service. The <br /> charge would be $4.60 and the remainder would be paid by Measure D <br /> funds. He said he does not know what the overhead for the provider <br /> will be. <br /> Mayor Corbett pointed out that the City is under a mandate by the State <br /> to provide this service so it cannot be voluntary. <br /> Terry Ray, 83 Oakes Blvd. , said she recently moved here from Alameda, <br /> which has a voluntary program, and said they were surprised when they <br /> moved to San Leandro to find there was no program. She said she and <br /> her husband support it. <br /> Tom Grigsby, 11 Chico Drive. , asked questions on how the program is <br /> funded in the unincorporated area. Mr. Taylor explained that the fee <br /> charged by Oakland Scavenger Co. is the same as that charged by the <br /> City of San Leandro, and both agencies are subsidizing the program with <br /> Measure D funds. Mr. Bixby said the program should be voluntary. <br /> Joanne Mattoon, 3810 Monterey Blvd. , said she has a Monday garbage <br /> pick-up and was concerned that she would have to leave her garbage cans <br /> out over the weekend. Mr. Taylor said this would not affect garbage <br /> pick-up and her garbage cans could still be left behind the gate and <br /> would be picked up. <br />