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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 18, 1994 Page - 15 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS, (continued) <br /> meeting to be held with the neighborhood. She discussed the procedure <br /> for public comments including speaker cards and time limits, and said <br /> the Public Comments portion of the hearing would close no later than <br /> midnight. <br /> Steve Meyers, City Attorney, said the City Council must act in <br /> accordance with the Zoning Code, based on legal standards, and must find <br /> that the proposal is consistent with the zoning district and the <br /> requirements of the Zoning Code and General Plan. He said the issue <br /> before the City Council was land use, not the particular user. <br /> June Catalano, Development Services Director, said that at the June 6, <br /> 1994, City Council Meeting, the City Council asked for additional <br /> information on a number of issues, and requested that an additional <br /> meeting be held with the neighborhood. She said that meeting has been <br /> held, and the additional information has been provided to the City <br /> Council . She described the material in the City Council 's packet that <br /> was provided in response to their questions. In response to City <br /> Council questions, Ms. Catalano said the developer was willing to begin <br /> operation with the closing time of 10:00 p.m. , but they did not want <br /> this to be a condition. <br /> Mike Clevenger, Pegasus Development, said Walgreen's agreed to the 10:00 <br /> p.m. closing time for the first six months, but they wanted to be able <br /> to stay open until midnight thereafter. Steve Meyers said if the City <br /> Council did not impose a conditional requirement to close at 10:00 p.m. <br /> the store could close voluntarily at 10:00 p.m. , but could not be <br /> required to do so. He said any condition imposed by the City Council <br /> could be brought back by Walgreen's at a later date. <br /> Staff also indicated that Walgreen's was willing to eliminate the sale <br /> of alcoholic beverages. <br /> Council Member Perry asked what the procedure would be to install a <br /> traffic signal in that area, and whether staff would look at the impact <br /> on the surrounding area. <br /> Gary Kruger, Transportation Administrator, discussed the impact of the <br /> traffic signal on the area if Walgreen's were or were not installed. He <br /> described the routes taken by traffic, and said the delays on Bancroft <br /> Avenue, Dutton Avenue, and other major arterial streets, causes vehicles <br /> to utilize other streets, such as Haas Avenue. He said even with the <br /> addition of blockades, there would still be 1,600 cars a day from Karol <br /> Way to East 14th Street due to the apartment buildings. <br /> Council Member Galvan asked what Walgreen's feelings were regarding the <br /> proposal for a blockade on Haas Avenue. Mr. Clevenger said Walgreen's <br /> felt in order to remain competitive, they needed the store to be <br /> conveniently accessible to the neighborhood, and they felt they would be <br /> turned down by their senior real estate committee if the blockade was <br /> put in. <br />