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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 1, 1994 Page - 7 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Steve Mattas, Assistant City Attorney, said part of the reorganization plan <br /> involves the reorganization of two secretarial positions. He said it would <br /> be appropriate for the Council to express any concerns they have regarding <br /> those particular employees in Closed Session. He said, however, discussion <br /> regarding broader policy could be discussed in open session. <br /> Council Member Perry said the City Council has been looking at moving the <br /> City Manager, Mayor, and City Clerk operations into the same area under one <br /> accountable person to better distribute the work load and be more efficient <br /> and expedient for the City Council . She said she had no qualms in moving <br /> ahead with the proposal and did not feel additional discussion was <br /> necessary. <br /> Council Member Kerr repeated he felt the Mayor should have her own <br /> secretary under her authority. <br /> Council Member Galvan said he felt one of the Senior Clerks could be <br /> designated as a person who does work for the Mayor and City Council . <br /> Mayor Corbett said she was very supportive of the City Manager's attempts <br /> to bring efficiency and cost-savings to the office. She said she did not <br /> feel the reorganization would provide her with a level of staff support <br /> necessary for her to do her job. She said she spends at least eight hours <br /> per day in the office as well as time outside the office on Mayoral duties. <br /> She said she would like to see this matter taken off the Agenda so she <br /> could discuss it with the City Manager. <br /> Council Member Perry said the Mayor's position is part time. She said this <br /> clerical position is a City employee, and it is the City Manager's <br /> responsibility to ensure everyone's needs are met. <br /> There was continued discussion by the City Council on this matter. <br /> Council Member Loeffler said he felt the City Council should support the <br /> Mayor on further discussion with the City Manager. <br /> Council Member Myers said the organizational charts did not change <br /> substantially under the new plan. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa said this proposal is not new. He said the City <br /> Manager is streamlining the administrative offices, and he thinks this will <br /> be a better system than is now in place. <br /> There was a motion by Council Member Kerr, seconded by Council Member <br /> Loeffler, to continue the matter to August 15, 1994. The motion failed <br /> with Council Members Galvan, Myers, Perry, and Polvorosa voting no. <br />