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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 15, 1994 Page - 10 - <br /> 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> A. Matter of Cable TV Annual Performance Review and Public Comments on <br /> Proposed Cable TV Rate Regulations. <br /> This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br /> matter, Kathy Ornelas, Community Relations Representative, said the <br /> purpose of the Hearing was to receive public comments on the basic <br /> tier-rate regulation proposal as well as comments on Cable TV service. <br /> She described the rate-regulation proposal , which is modeled after <br /> those in place in other Alameda County cities. She said San Leandro <br /> has the authority to regulate rates for the basic tiers and has applied <br /> to and been certified by the FCC to regulate rates consistent with the <br /> adoption of FCC regulations. She said the Council can adopt the <br /> proposed regulations and then order TCI to provide calculations for <br /> current service and equipment rates. She said the City has a contract <br /> with a consultant to review the TCI rates; and, if they are inaccurate, <br /> refunds can be ordered. She noted the Franchise Agreement with TCI <br /> allows for an annual review of the company's performance and noted the <br /> various documents that had been supplied by TCI . She said Lee Perron <br /> of TCI has been extremely cooperative and responsive in resolving <br /> problems. She noted there were problems with the phones at TCI earlier <br /> this year but that has been resolved in the past few weeks. <br /> In response to Council questions, she said the basic rate is $9.72 per <br /> month. She said the resolution on the Agenda would allow the City to <br /> obtain the calculation materials and review them; then, if not <br /> consistent with FCC, require a rate adjustment; and the resolution sets <br /> forth the procedure for regulating rates. <br /> Council Member Perry commended Ms. Ornelas for her hard work on this <br /> matter. <br /> Mayor Corbett introduced Mayor Kathy Brown from the City of Livermore, <br /> who was in the audience. <br /> Lee Perron, TCI Cablevision of Hayward, said Ms. Brown is working for <br /> them as Director of Customer and Community Relations. He also <br /> introduced Kathy Wilson, in charge of the studio on programming. Mr. <br /> Perron said his company is the largest in the world, but they take <br /> pride in serving the residents of San Leandro. He said they are <br /> currently building a fiber-optic link for all the area's cities, and it <br /> is about 80% complete. He said he supports competition in the industry <br /> and would like the opportunity to provide local telephone and data <br /> processing services. <br /> The City Council asked a number of questions related to Cable TV <br /> service. In response to questions, Mr. Perron said he would look into <br /> putting some sort of music on the phone when callers are on hold. He <br /> described problems they had due to a 20% reduction in staff over a <br /> three-month period, and he said it took longer than it was hoped to <br /> train new staff. <br />