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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 15, 1994 Page - 3 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> G. Jim Gitelli , 632 Begier Avenue, said he sent a letter signed by 23 of <br /> 24 households, protesting the action, the last time the squirrels were <br /> poisoned. He said the wishes of the people in the City are important <br /> and the Council should be responsive. He said he wondered what <br /> neighboring cities have done and said the City should find an <br /> alternative. <br /> Mayor Corbett noted many letters had also been received in favor of the <br /> City program as well . <br /> H. Elaine Smith, 230 Begier Avenue, said she walked the Marina before the <br /> Council Meeting and there were no squirrels. She said the City should <br /> get volunteer veterinarians to neuter the male squirrels. <br /> I . Justin Agrella, 1670 - 142nd Avenue, spoke regarding the resolution <br /> supporting the tough-on-crime-bills concept. He said he is opposed to <br /> feel -good crime legislation that does nothing for crime control and <br /> said the Council does not have the right to speak for citizens. He <br /> said squirrels may be cute, but they are rodents and are not on an <br /> endangered species list. He said they are causing destruction to the <br /> paths and could cause accidents, lawsuits, and costly maintenance. He <br /> said animal population control is practiced for the benefit of the <br /> animals as well as human beings and the animal activists do not live in <br /> San Leandro. <br /> J. Dana Johnson, 343 Farrelly Drive, spoke regarding the tough-on-crime <br /> resolution. He said he objected to the resolution. He said he has an <br /> arsenal of guns, including an assault weapon. He compared guns to fast <br /> cars and said the guns on the crime bill represent one-half of one <br /> percent of crimes committed. He said the crime bill is unfunded. <br /> Mayor Corbett pointed out the resolution on the Agenda was in support <br /> of State legislation not the Federal crime bill . <br /> Mr. Johnson also commented regarding the proposal to modify Boards and <br /> Commissions and said the City should focus on new membership on Boards <br /> and Commissions and should establish a multi-cultural commission and a <br /> citizen finance commission. Mr. Johnson also asked a number of <br /> questions regarding the City Hall retrofit; the status of seismic <br /> retrofit on fire stations, the Library and Service Center; the cafe, <br /> fountains, and furnishings in the new building; and Alameda County Fire <br /> Chief McCammon's involvement in the project. He said Deputy Chief <br /> Johnston said the paramedic program will not cost anything, but Mr. <br /> Johnston noted the firefighters will be attending college on City time <br /> and will demand a pay raise. <br />