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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 15, 1994 Page - 5 - <br /> CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) <br /> C. Resolution Approving Contractual Services Agreement with The Sear-Brown <br /> Group Relating to Water Pollution Control Plant Seismic Retrofit, <br /> Project No. 593-8541 (provides for design services for seismic retrofit <br /> of various facilities at the Water Pollution Control Plant and sewage <br /> and stormwater pumping stations) . Removed from the Consent Calendar to <br /> New Business. <br /> D. Resolution No. 94-154, Resolution Approving Agreement Between the City <br /> of San Leandro and Landfill Management, Inc. , for Disposal of Dredged <br /> Materials (approves Agreement with a landfill operator for receipt and <br /> payment to the City for dredged material) . (2768) <br /> E. Resolution No. 94-155, Resolution of Award of Contract to Fanfa, Inc. , <br /> for Dredged Material Removal , Project No. 94-8667 (recommends award of <br /> contract to the low bidder for bid amount of $327,044) . (2768) <br /> F. Resolution No. 94-156, Resolution Committing Local Matching Funds for <br /> Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act Projects (commits City <br /> to provide matching funds and complete the projects as described in the <br /> application for federal funding) . (1250) <br /> G. Resolution No. 94-157, Resolution Approving and Confirming Accounting <br /> Report for Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI) , Fiscal Year <br /> 1993-94 (annual accounting of fees collected during the fiscal year, as <br /> required by State law) . (2575) <br /> H. Resolution No. 94-158, Resolution Designating Restricted Parking, Two- <br /> Hour Parking, 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. , Sundays and Holidays Excepted, <br /> Title VI, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, MacArthur <br /> Boulevard (provides for installation of 62 feet of two-hour parking on <br /> the west side of MacArthur Boulevard south of Mitchell Avenue) . <br /> (1022) <br /> I . Resolution No. 94-159, Resolution Deleting and Designating Restricted <br /> Parking, Two-Hour Parking, 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. , Sundays and Holidays <br /> Excepted, Title VI, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, Nome <br /> Street (provides for removal of 90 feet of two-hour parking from the <br /> east side of Nome Street south of Sitka Street) . (1022) <br /> J. Resolution No. 94-160, Resolution Deleting "Trucks Over 25 Tons <br /> Prohibited, " Title VI , Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, <br /> Halcyon Drive (provides for removal of the 25-ton weight limit on <br /> Halcyon Drive between Hesperian Boulevard and Washington Avenue) . <br /> (1022) <br /> K. Ordinance No. 94-016, An Ordinance Reclassifying Certain Property <br /> Herein Described as to Zoning District and Amending Zoning Map (A-94-5) <br /> 319, 375 and 377 Preda Street (provides for rezoning 319, 375 and 377 <br /> Preda Street from IL (Limited Industrial District) to RS (PD) <br /> (Residential Single-Family Planning Development District, as approved <br /> at the Public Hearing on June 20, 1994) . (1024/1099) <br /> - Adopted <br />