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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - September 6, 1994 Page - 3 - <br /> 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> Public Comments are limited to 5 minutes per person. The public is invited <br /> to make any comments related to Agenda items (including San Leandro <br /> Redevelopment Agency, San Leandro Parking Authority, and San Leandro <br /> Industrial Development Authority) or other items of public interest at this <br /> time. Comments regarding Public Hearing items will be heard during the <br /> Public Hearing portion of the Agenda. <br /> A. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne, spoke regarding the Minutes of the <br /> Meeting of August 15, 1994. He said the Intermodal Surface <br /> Transportation Efficiency Act was a way to get seed money. He asked <br /> how many employees the Economic Development Program employs and what <br /> the salary range was. He said, at the last City Council Meeting, <br /> Council Member Kerr questioned the need to keep putting money into the <br /> Water Pollution Control Plant. Mr. Filipovich said he does not support <br /> Council Member Kerr's comments, and the Council Member does not speak <br /> for all of the residents of the Washington Manor area. He asked the <br /> difference between a rebate and a kick back as it related to page 7 of <br /> the August 15 Minutes. He said the City Council is not bringing anyone <br /> in who represents the taxpayer. <br /> 6. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Consent Calendar items are typically routine in nature and are considered <br /> for approval by the City Council with one single action. The City Council <br /> may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of discussion. <br /> Item 6.E. was removed from the Consent Calendar and continued to the City <br /> Council Meeting of September 19, 1994. The remaining items on the Consent <br /> Calendar were approved as follows: <br /> Introduced by Council Member Polvorosa, who moved adoption of the Consent <br /> Calendar, seconded by Council Member Galvan, and carried by a majority vote <br /> (6) , with Council Member Kerr absent (1) . <br /> A. Minutes of the meeting of August 15, 1994, were approved as submitted. <br /> B. Resolution No. 94-166, Resolution Approving Contractual Services <br /> Agreement with Environmental Science Associates, Inc. , for Professional <br /> Services Relating to Shoreline Restoration Monitoring (provides for <br /> Corps of Engineers and BCDC-required monitoring and reporting related <br /> to the Shoreline Restoration Area Improvements) . (2323) <br /> C. Resolution No. 94-167, Resolution of Final Acceptance, Release of <br /> Maintenance Security, and Acceptance of Offers of Dedication for the <br /> Subdivision Improvement Agreement, Public Improvements, and the <br /> Subdivision Improvement Agreement, Private Improvements, Work for Tract <br /> 6379, Marina Vista Phase I (provides for final acceptance of public and <br /> private improvement work constructed by H. F. Properties, Ltd. , on <br /> Wicks Boulevard at the former Marina High School site, release of <br /> Maintenance Security after completion of one-year warranty period for <br /> project initially accepted by City Council on July 19, 1993, and <br /> acceptance of offers of dedication for public right-of-way and <br /> easements) . (2676) <br />