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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - September 6, 1994 Page - 5 - <br /> CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) <br /> I . Ordinance No. 94-018, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of <br /> San Leandro Approving an Amendment to the Plaza 1 Redevelopment Plan <br /> (establishes by ordinance various time limits, as required by law [AB <br /> 1290] , for redevelopment project activities in the Plaza 1 <br /> Redevelopment project area) . (1120) <br /> - Adopted <br /> J. Ordinance No. 94-019, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of <br /> San Leandro Approving Amendments to the Plaza 2 Redevelopment Plan <br /> (establishes by ordinance various time limits, as required by law [AB <br /> 1290] , for redevelopment project activities in the Plaza 2 <br /> Redevelopment project area) . (1313-B) <br /> - Adopted <br /> 7. NEW BUSINESS <br /> Item removed from the Consent Calendar. <br /> 6.E. Matter of Resolution Designating Placement of Stop Signs, Intersections, <br /> Title VI, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, Timothy Drive <br /> (provides for installation of a stop sign on eastbound Timothy Drive at the <br /> Westgate Access Road) . <br /> Council Member Myers asked for an explanation of the need for the stop <br /> signs on Timothy. <br /> Gary Kruger, Transportation Administrator, said the road leading to Costco <br /> carries 10 times more traffic than Timothy, but the stop sign is on the <br /> major road. He said, although there have not been accidents, this is a <br /> confusing situation. <br /> Council Member Myers said he thought the stop sign on the major road was a <br /> Condition of Approval of Costco and asked that this matter be continued and <br /> that staff bring back a report as to the Conditions in the Approval and <br /> whether there had been citizen complaints. <br /> The following Motion was then introduced: <br /> Minute Order No. 94-40. Matter of Resolution Designating Placement of Stop <br /> Signs, Intersections, Title VI , Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal <br /> Code, Timothy Drive (provides for installation of a stop sign on eastbound <br /> Timothy Drive at the Westgate Access Road) . (1022) <br /> On motion by Council Member Myers, who moved its approval , seconded by <br /> Council Member Perry, and carried by a majority vote (6) , with Council <br /> Member Kerr absent (1) , the City Council continued the matter of Resolution <br /> Designating Placement of Stop Signs, Intersections, Title VI, Chapter 1 of <br /> the San Leandro Municipal Code, Timothy Drive, to the September 19, 1994, <br /> City Council Meeting. <br />