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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - September 19, 1994 Page - 6 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> F. City Council Reports on Outside Agencies. <br /> Council Member Perry reported on activities of the League of California <br /> Cities Policy Committee. She noted Cal trans does not have enough STIP <br /> funds to pay for existing projects. She said, at the East Bay Division <br /> of the League Business Meeting, the subject of libraries was discussed, <br /> and San Leandro was complimented for its outstanding library and <br /> programs. <br /> G. Approval of Work Session Items Requiring Action. None <br /> H. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken. None <br /> 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> A. Matter of HUD Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Grantee <br /> Performance Report (GPR) for Fiscal Year 1993-94. <br /> This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br /> matter, Jacqui Diaz, Acting Housing Coordinator, said the report <br /> summarizes the actions taken during the past fiscal year. She said the <br /> Grantee Performance Report is required by HUD and must include any <br /> public comments received at the Public Hearing. She reviewed the <br /> programs that have been authorized for the past year, including <br /> rehabilitation, which is being administered by the County; economic <br /> development, small business loans, business retention and vitalization, <br /> design assistance, etc. <br /> In response to City Council questions, Ms. Diaz said the Economic <br /> Development Coordinator is hearing from small businesses that want to <br /> get involved, and the program will be more heavily marketed. She <br /> discussed the Design Assistance Program and said many property owners <br /> don't want to invest in design assistance until they have a tenant. <br /> She discussed various means for making the public aware of the HUD <br /> funds and programs available, including articles in both the City and <br /> homeowner association newsletters, presentations to homeowners' <br /> associations, etc. She said working with the County on the <br /> rehabilitation program has been very smooth and there has been good and <br /> frequent communication between the City and the County. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> There being no comments from the public, on motion of Council Member <br /> Kerr, seconded by Council Member Myers, and carried by a majority vote <br /> (7) , the Public Hearing was closed. <br />