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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - September 19, 1994 Page - 8 - <br /> CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS (continued) <br /> I . Mayor Corbett discussed several recent events which she had attended <br /> and enjoyed, including the St. Felicitas Posey Parade on Saturday, <br /> which was a great family event; the retirement party for Johnnie Lacy, <br /> Executive Director of CRIL, who she said has done much to assist the <br /> City in its ADA efforts; and the Penafrancia Celebration, which drew <br /> more than 2,000 people from all over the country and from Canada - she <br /> thanked the Perafina family for their hospitality. <br /> J. Mayor Corbett said she and Police Chief Maginnis will report at the <br /> next City Council meeting regarding the Crime Bill and what it might <br /> mean to San Leandro. <br /> K. Council Member Kerr said Evelyn Farrell , who has been active in senior <br /> dances for many years, is currently in a convalescent hospital where <br /> she is improving from a stroke, and he wished her well . <br /> L. Council Member Loeffler said there are education implications in the <br /> crime bill and the information should be shared with the School Board. <br /> Mayor Corbett said she is putting information together and will send it <br /> to the Board. <br /> 10. ADJOURN <br /> The City Council adjourned its meeting at 9:07 p.m. to Tuesday, September <br /> 20, 1994, at 7:00 p.m. , in the South Offices Conference Room, for a Special <br /> Joint San Leandro City Council/Alameda County Board of Supervisors Work <br /> Session Meeting for an Update Regarding Consolidation of San <br /> Leandro/Alameda County Fire Department Fire Services Delivery System. <br /> APPROVED: <br /> th;JU . t :: <br /> ELLEN M. CORBE' - <br /> Mayor of the City of San Leandro <br /> Attest: <br /> Alice Calvert, City Clerk <br /> D:\MINUTES\1994\091994 <br />