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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 3, 1994 Page - 4 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> safe in the crosswalk, as should all pedestrians. She said the blind <br /> community does not want to have to stay in their homes, and they <br /> encourage their members to take training. She asked each member of the <br /> Council to tell their friends and members of their family who drive to <br /> slow down and stop immediately when they see the white cane; and, if <br /> even one life can be saved, some sort of contribution will have been <br /> made from this great tragedy. She said this has been a devastating <br /> loss to the friends and the family of Ms. Roulier. <br /> Mayor Corbett thanked Ms. Baack for coming to the City Council Meeting <br /> to raise people's awareness. She expressed condolences on behalf of <br /> the City Council and said the Council would like to assist in bringing <br /> awareness to the community. She said the San Leandro Times will be <br /> publishing articles in conjunction with the White Cane Proclamation. <br /> Council Member Perry said this is also an important issue for others <br /> who are not blind but who may have other types of handicaps. She said <br /> City officials need to be aware and provide services that Ms. Baack's <br /> community needs. <br /> E. Joel DeWitt, 1458 - 138th Avenue, said he was impressed by the passion <br /> people have when they speak before the City Council . He said if he <br /> ultimately wants to be a City Council Member he has to start being nice <br /> to the City Council . He said a lot of people are frustrated with local <br /> government, and they don't feel anything is accomplished. He said <br /> people get a gadfly image because nothing gets accomplished. He said <br /> he looks forward to getting something done. <br /> F. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, said Mr. DeWitt moved here six <br /> months before he ran for Council and, if he says gadfly anymore, he is <br /> going to have to deal with Mr. Filipovich. Mr. Filipovich referred to <br /> the Brown Act. Mr. Filipovich said no one has any problems with <br /> recycling when it is permissive. He said there is a problem with <br /> tacking the cost onto tax bills. He said San Leandro and Oro Loma are <br /> the only ones in Alameda County following this path; others are doing <br /> it on a permissive basis. He said AB 939 and Measure 0 do not require <br /> curbside recycling on a mandatory basis. He said this contract does <br /> not relate to commercial property. He said the anti -scavenging <br /> ordinance allows residents to be exempt from recycling, yet they still <br /> have to pay for it. He asked if they could get a refund. He asked if <br /> negotiation on the contract was done on a mandatory or permissive <br /> basis, whether the contractor was represented by an attorney, whether <br /> the contractor had input into the contract, and whether there was <br /> citizen input. <br /> The contractor said he was not represented by an attorney, and he did <br /> have input into the contract. Staff said there was a Public Hearing on <br /> the recycling program. <br />