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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 7, 1994 Page - 9 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> B. Resolution No. 94-206, Resolution Approving License Agreement with <br /> Safeway Stores, Inc. (provides for use of Parking Authority property [a <br /> portion of APN 75-226-10] for a trash enclosure) . <br /> Introduced by Council Member Galvan, who moved its adoption, seconded <br /> by Council Member Myers, and carried by a majority vote (7) . <br /> C. Matter of Appointing Members to the Economic Development Advisory <br /> Committee. <br /> Mayor Corbett said this matter was before the City Council as a result <br /> of concerns regarding moving the process forward. She said her memo <br /> was sent to the City Council to expedite the process, but City Council <br /> members have asked for additional time. She suggested that a <br /> subcommittee meeting be set for November 17 and requested that Council <br /> Members submit additional names by that date so the subcommittee could <br /> make recommendations for full City Council review and approval . She <br /> noted the subcommittee consists of herself and Council Members Galvan <br /> and Loeffler. <br /> Council Member Perry said she was concerned that the process was <br /> cumbersome. She said a balance should try to be achieved between major <br /> businesses, large retail and small businesses, and she understood that <br /> the subcommittee would come back with a process and then make <br /> recommendations regarding names. She said she did not feel there was <br /> a time constraint, and it would be better to have a good process that <br /> would meet the future economic needs of the City. <br /> Council Member Kerr said he was also confused regarding the process and <br /> was concerned that there would be as many as 175 names submitted. He <br /> said the subcommittee should develop a process of elimination and <br /> specific names for City Council consideration. <br /> Council Member Myers agreed with the other Council Members. He said <br /> this matter is important and should be moved on as soon as possible, <br /> but the committee should meet and come back to the City Council with <br /> information regarding a format to discuss at a Work Session. <br /> Council Member Perry said she was concerned that a broad spectrum and <br /> a process for self-nomination be included in the process. <br /> Mayor Corbett asked the Council Members to submit any particular names <br /> as soon as possible. <br /> Council Member Loeffler said the proposal was for a committee of nine <br /> and asked if the committee could be greater. <br />