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• Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting December 19, 1994 Page 3 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> C. Jack Goodrich, on Behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, commended the City <br /> Council , Mike Oliver, and City staff for keeping Costco in San Leandro. <br /> He thanked the City Council for pursuing the matter and for its <br /> cooperation with the Chamber and said this was truly a community <br /> effort. <br /> Mayor Corbett thanked the Chamber for their work and said she felt <br /> their letter-writing campaign had a lot to do with Costco remaining in <br /> San Leandro. <br /> D. Richmond Marshall , 15014 Wengate Street, commended the City Council <br /> Subcommittee on Boards and Commissions on their study and on taking <br /> into account the need for Boards and Commissions. He said Board <br /> members serve as ears for the Council and provide public input. <br /> E. Dan Bell , 266 Lorraine Boulevard, presented a statement recommending <br /> residential development of the old City Corporation Yard site at San <br /> Leandro Boulevard and Davis Street. He said office or retail usage is <br /> not appropriate for the site. <br /> F. John Scannel , Former Tenant of 993 Beecher Street, said he just found <br /> out about the Interim Ordinance today and presented a letter from the <br /> property owner's attorney. <br /> G. Council Member Kent Myers spoke regarding the activities which had been <br /> undertaken to keep Costco in San Leandro. He said Council Member <br /> Galvan developed the idea for the billboard; and, after receiving <br /> input, the City Council directed staff to put time and effort into this <br /> matter. He thanked staff and Mike Oliver for their efforts. <br /> H. Mike Oliver, City Manager, said, when the community decides to do <br /> something, it has the ability to change the course of the future in a <br /> way that, in the past, we have not thought possible. He said there was <br /> wonderful participation by the Chamber and the community. He said we <br /> can do a lot more as a community. <br /> The City Council concurred. Council Member Perry thanked Patrick Media <br /> for donating the billboard. <br />