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• Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - December 19, 1994 Page - 4 - <br /> 6. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Consent Calendar items are typically routine in nature and are considered <br /> for approval by the City Council with one single action. The City Council <br /> may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of discussion. <br /> Items listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been read by title. <br /> The Consent Calendar was approved as follows: <br /> Introduced by Council Member Loeffler, who moved adoption of the Consent <br /> Calendar, with all items deemed to have been read by title, seconded by <br /> Council Member Perry, and carried by a majority vote (7). <br /> A. Minutes of the meeting of December 5, 1994. <br /> B. Resolution No. 94-213, Resolution Approving Contractual Services <br /> Agreement with EQE Engineering and Design Relating to Structural <br /> Analysis of Casa Peralta, Project No.94-8601 (provides for study on <br /> structural analysis and seismic stability of Casa Peralta and <br /> recommendations for repair and/or retrofit) . (2323) <br /> C. Resolution No. 94-214, Resolution Approving Contractual Services <br /> Agreement with Environmental Science Associates, Inc. , for Professional <br /> Services Relating to Groundwater Monitoring at the Dredged Material <br /> Management Site (provides contract services to perform Regional Water <br /> Quality Control Board-required monitoring of groundwater at the Dredged <br /> Material Management Site) . (2323) <br /> D. Resolution No. 94-215, Resolution Approving Contractual Services <br /> Agreement with Bay Economics (provides for preparation of Economic <br /> Development Base Study/Strategy) . (2323) <br /> Council Member Kerr said this contract sounded like it would be worth <br /> its weight in gold and will provide a great deal of help in the future. <br /> E. Resolution No. 94-216, Resolution of Final Acceptance and Release of <br /> Maintenance Bond for Annual Sidewalk Repairs, 1992, Project No. 92-3106 <br /> (provides for final acceptance of work from Oakland Fence Company, <br /> Inc. , after completion of one-year guarantee period) . (2699) <br /> Council Member Galvan asked for information on bidders on the last <br /> sidewalk repair project. <br /> F. Resolution No. 94-217, Resolution Approving Washington Avenue/Halcyon <br /> Drive/Floresta Boulevard Intersection Improvements, Project No. 94-120- <br /> 8345 (provides for project approval and filing of the Notice of <br /> Exemption for CEQA environmental clearance) . (2778) <br />