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• Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - December 19, 1994 Page - 5 - <br /> CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) <br /> G. Ordinance No. 94-028, An Ordinance Amending Section 7-5-110 of Title <br /> VII , Chapter 5, of the San Leandro Municipal Code Relating to Board of <br /> Appeals (consolidates the functions of the Building Code Board of <br /> Appeals and the Building Official 's Determinations Board of Appeals <br /> into one Board of Appeals with the power to hear appeals related to <br /> technical issues as well as orders and decisions of the Building <br /> Official in order to provide a shorter and more uniform forum for <br /> appeals) . (1413/1211) <br /> - Adopted <br /> 7. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. An Interim Ordinance Prohibiting Any New Uses and Declaring This <br /> Ordinance to Be an Urgency Measure for the Preservation of the Public <br /> Peace, Health and Safety for Plaza 2 Redevelopment Plan, Area 5, <br /> Expansion Area D (prohibits truck terminals adjacent to residential <br /> properties in Area 5, Expansion Area D of the Plaza 2 Redevelopment <br /> Area) . <br /> Steve Emslie, Planning Manager, explained that this is an Urgency <br /> Ordinance to declare, for 45 days, that truck terminals are prohibited <br /> in Redevelopment Expansion Area D, the Philipps Lane and Beecher Street <br /> area. He said the City Council has the power to impose a moratorium <br /> for 45 days, and to extend it for up to two years, following a public <br /> hearing. He provided background information on the formation of Area <br /> D and described the Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) for the <br /> property located at 993 Beecher Street, owned by Harman Shragge, for a <br /> truck terminal . He said, after the truck terminal began operation, a <br /> series of complaints was received by the City, from as early as 1993, <br /> and petitions were submitted by the neighborhood regarding problems <br /> with noise, vibration, dust, etc. Remediation measures have been <br /> unsuccessful , and early this year the matter was turned over to <br /> Community Standards for enforcement. Staff has worked with Vecta, but <br /> they have been unable to mitigate the problems. In October, Vecta <br /> decided to relocate to Hayward, and the terminal is no longer in <br /> operation. <br /> He said staff proposes a moratorium and will prepare an amendment to <br /> the Redevelopment Plan which will permanently prohibit truck terminals <br /> in Area D. If the amendment cannot be prepared within the 45-day time <br /> period, a Public Hearing will be held on January 17, 1995, to extend <br /> the moratorium. <br /> In response to Council questions, Mr. Emslie explained that the <br /> Redevelopment Plan has special powers, which take precedence over the <br /> Zoning Code. He explained that the IP and IC zones control this type <br /> of use near residential areas, outside the Redevelopment Area. <br />