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• Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - December 19, 1994 Page - 8 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Steve Mattas said the Municipal Code states that terms are staggered, <br /> and this will bring the terms back into alignment pursuant to the Code. <br /> Council Member Perry said she does not like the September 1, 1994, <br /> expiration date. She said 29 out of 44 terms will expire. She said <br /> the legislative intent of the Municipal Code was stability. She said <br /> perhaps those whose terms would normally expire in 1996 or 1997 could <br /> be moved to 1998, and the July 1, 1995, expiration left intact because <br /> all of the officers and work plans have been set for the Boards and <br /> Commissions. <br /> Mayor Corbett said the Subcommittee gave a lot of thought to the best <br /> time to do this; and, if it is not done now, new City Council Members <br /> will not have the opportunity to make appointments. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa pointed out that members can still be <br /> reappointed. <br /> Council Member Galvan said, when a Council Member is elected to office, <br /> he should have the privilege of appointing from his District. He said <br /> there is a possible impact, but that doesn't mean 29 people will leave. <br /> He said there will always be a potential for impact, and he feels it is <br /> a good recommendation to do it now. He said he appreciates the <br /> Council 's concerns but feels they will act with discretion in making <br /> appointments and will not "clean house. " <br /> Council Member Loeffler agreed with Council Member Galvan and said he <br /> favors the Subcommittee's recommendations. <br /> Council Member Kerr said the 1997 appointments should be extended to <br /> 1998. He said it is unfair to appoint someone to a Commission and then <br /> cut their term short. <br /> Council Member Myers, seconded by Council Member Polvorosa, moved to <br /> approve the Subcommittee's recommendations. <br /> Council Member Perry asked the motion maker if he would be willing to <br /> vote separately on each of the three recommendations. Council Member <br /> Myers said he would be willing to vote on 1 and 3 as one item and on 2 <br /> as a separate item; Council Member Polvorosa concurred. <br />