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Minutes 1992 0121
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 1992 0121
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 21, 1992 Page - 10 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> The City Council took a five-minute break from 9:30 to 9:35 p.m. The meeting <br /> reconvened with Vice Mayor Glaze in charge. <br /> Edwin Jardine, 14372 Locust Street, said he has lived in San Leandro 35 <br /> years. He said 30 years ago Bonaire was a community of young adults. <br /> He said right now most of the residents are retiring or retired and <br /> trying to get by on a limited income. He said because of the economy <br /> everyone has had to pay increases for utilities, vehicles, sales taxes, <br /> etc. , and it has put a strain on their limited income. He said he has <br /> had to take a wage freeze and give up his cost-of-living raise or the <br /> plant where he works would be closed. He said now the City is trying <br /> to impose another tax instead of tightening their belts. He said they <br /> should stop unnecessary spending. <br /> Mike Luciano, 1330 Daily Drive, said all cities are facing the same <br /> problem. He asked if the City is laying off people, why they had hired <br /> them in the first place. He said he does not want to see anyone get <br /> laid off. He did not feel the meter maids should be eliminated because <br /> they produce revenue. He said 35% of all people in San Leandro are <br /> seniors and they have lost revenue. He said everyone except fire, <br /> police, and part-time employees should be required to work a four-day <br /> week. <br /> Susan Goodman, President of the Broadmoor Neighborhood Association, <br /> spoke regarding the Associated Homeowners letter. She said Broadmoor <br /> is a member of Associated Homeowners and shared their concerns, but she <br /> said her Association had not voted on this matter yet. She said they <br /> have invited Acting City Manager Mike Oliver to come to their next <br /> meeting to discuss the Plan. She said she felt the seminar and the <br /> survey were steps in the right direction to get people involved and to <br /> get their input. She said she does not see this issue as an all or <br /> nothing matter. It is important to be aware of people on fixed <br /> incomes, but the young families who need services must also be <br /> recognized. She said the City Council should put all the information <br /> they have received together before they make their decision. <br /> Florence Ruha, President of the Floresta Homeowners Association, said <br /> a number of people are on fixed incomes and these are hard times for <br /> them. She said she has gotten many telephone calls. She said there <br /> are a number of people who have fixed incomes and no money, many have <br /> suffered wage freezes and have to live within their incomes. She said <br /> this matter should be put on the ballot. <br /> Sandra Nielsen, Owner of Sandev Mobilehome Park, said hers is a senior <br /> park. She said there should not be cuts to police and fire but the <br /> City should see what else they can cut out of the budget. She said if <br /> the assessments are placed on mobilehome parks she will have to pass <br /> the cost of the assessment on to their tenants in addition to their <br /> regular rent increase. <br />
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