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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 21, 1992 Page - 14 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> George Tucker, 1363 View Drive, said he is a long-time resident and <br /> this is the first time he has come to speak before the City Council . <br /> He said the assessments should be put to a vote and it should require <br /> two-thirds vote of the people. He noted street lighting and <br /> landscaping assessment district processes had been challenged at the <br /> Supreme Court level . He said he does not think a 10% cut back in <br /> services is needed to balance the budget. He said there should be a <br /> wage freeze, restructuring, and loans between the General Fund and <br /> Enterprise Funds. <br /> Lawrence Lancaster, 1132 Carpentier Street, said people are potentially <br /> going to pay $8.60 per month in five years. He said the City should <br /> consider other means of raising revenue. He said the Assessment <br /> District fees should be progressive based upon value of property. He <br /> said money to pay for street maintenance and street lighting should <br /> come from Vehicle License Fees. He said parking-meter fees should be <br /> raised. He said this matter should be put to a vote of the people. He <br /> said every employee who currently makes over $50,000 should be cut to <br /> $50,000 maximum. <br /> William Swann, representing Washington Homeowners Association, said the <br /> Association supports Bob Leigh's letter. He said they have 5,000 <br /> members, which represents a good cross-representation of the City. <br /> John Sullivan, 17760 Sweetbrian Place, Castro Valley, said he owns <br /> rental property in San Leandro and recognizes the need for revenue and <br /> would pay his fair share. He said $5 per month on a house versus the <br /> same per apartment unit and for commercial causes discrepancies. He <br /> discussed apartment costs and taxes in recent years. He said it is <br /> difficult for property owners to pass the assessments on to their <br /> tenants because there are vacancies in the 5-10% range so they do not <br /> generate adequate income. He said his typical tenant is older. He <br /> acknowledged the need for funds. <br /> Jeff Wise, 2079 Charlotte Avenue, said he attended meetings where Mayor <br /> Karp said this matter would be on the ballot. He read a poem that <br /> basically said that the federal and state governments tax people. He <br /> said it is wrong in a recession to increase fees. He said he lost his <br /> job and had to cut back and the City should also do so. <br /> Alicia Thieme, 464 Thornally Drive, asked how much the Acting City <br /> Manager's salary was and if his salary would be cut or frozen. She <br /> also asked questions regarding the Mayor's and City Council ' s salary. <br /> She said the City should look at Sunnyvale's plan to combine police and <br /> fire. <br />