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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 21, 1992 Page - 16 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> on their budget problems, but they can come to the local level and the <br /> City Council understands how they feel . He said all of the City <br /> Council Members are local . He said whatever is decided, the <br /> assessments will apply to the City Council as well as to the rest of <br /> the community. He talked about the United States' poor standing in the <br /> international market place, and he said the citizens are paying the <br /> penalty for the errors of the Federal government. He said we were <br /> promised a tax cut and a balanced budget, but instead the National <br /> deficit has grown. He said public safety still represents about 50% of <br /> the General Fund. He said over the last two or three years we have <br /> seen these financial problems coming and we have balanced our budget, <br /> but the Federal and State governments have not balanced theirs. He <br /> said if we were required to cut $156,000 from the library we would deny <br /> children the right to a proper education, and if this country does not <br /> educate its children we have lost it all . He said we will not be able <br /> to compete with the Japans or Germanys of the world. He said the City <br /> Council has to make a very difficult decision. He said he was prepared <br /> to make it because we have to maintain the integrity of the City and <br /> make sure that we are safe in our homes, services are maintained, and <br /> our children receive a quality education. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa commended staff and the Finance Committee for <br /> coming up with a workable plan. He said it is a plan that allows us to <br /> maintain the quality of life to which we have become accustomed. He <br /> said the Finance Committee has worked this plan to the bare nub. He <br /> said he does not see how we can cut it any more. He said he could live <br /> with the plan. <br /> Council Member Perry said cities have to balance their budgets, but the <br /> Federal and State governments can take money from the cities. She <br /> noted the City had lost 25% revenue when revenue sharing was lost and <br /> Proposition 13 froze our property taxes, which were the lowest in <br /> northern California. She said she understood the community's concern <br /> regarding seniors and wanted staff to come back with a plan that would <br /> provide subsidies for low-income citizens. She said she was aware that <br /> many people had been laid off from work. She said we are all feeling <br /> the crunch of the recession and she, herself, has been affected. She <br /> said she wanted to hold the line on salaries and benefits, not just a <br /> one-year wage freeze. She said she understood this matter could not be <br /> addressed now because there are contracts but wanted to ensure that the <br /> City Manager addressed this matter as appropriate. <br /> She said before she would approve any kind of assessment she would want <br /> to be assured that there is a plan to look at the additional 29 items <br /> on which the City Council has given staff direction and to look at <br /> restructuring. She said it would also be a good idea to get cost- <br /> saving ideas from the employees. She said she had heard the community <br />