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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 21, 1992 Page - 17 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> responses to the questionnaire not to cut police and fire. She said <br /> that is 500 of the cost of the General Fund so those funds have to be <br /> made up in some other area. She said she supported youth programs when <br /> she ran for City Council and said she would hate to give. up the School <br /> Resource Officer, latch key, and other youth programs. She said she <br /> shared the concerns related to possible increases in assessments and <br /> the Finance Committee had pared the assessment down to half of the <br /> original proposal . She said she did not see the Assessment District as <br /> a total solution, but it must be used as an option. She said if the <br /> Assessment District goes forward it will be discussed over the next <br /> several months. She said dialogue needs to be established and input is <br /> needed. She said she wanted guarantees that staff will be looking at <br /> all other options as equal components of the program. <br /> Council Member Faria moved to approve the plan. Council Member Santos <br /> seconded the motion, with a recommended amendment to provide a subsidy <br /> program for low-income property owners. The amendment was accepted by <br /> Council Member Faria. <br /> Vice Mayor Glaze said two years ago the City took the easy way out and <br /> cut $2 million from the budget with the hope that the economy would <br /> pick up. He said things have not picked up and additional cuts had to <br /> be made this year. He said the public says they want to maintain <br /> existing levels of service, but it won't be business as usual until the <br /> economy picks up. He said we have the ability to change within our <br /> grasp; everyone has the ability to change our City and our Country. He <br /> discussed the trade imbalance between the United States and Japan. He <br /> said the same thing happens when San Leandro residents shop and buy <br /> outside of San Leandro; revenue is lost by the City. He said if we <br /> give up on our City or our Country, we are giving up on ourselves. He <br /> said we must buy San Leandro, buy American, and recapture what we once <br /> were. <br />