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Minutes 1992 0121
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 1992 0121
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 21, 1992 Page - 6 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> strategies which outlined approaches for maintaining the City's fiscal <br /> solvency. He said the City Council has reviewed all fees and charges <br /> for services each year and has attempted to hold down costs. <br /> He said in the last three years the City Council has worked with the <br /> community and made modifications to bring in additional revenue. He <br /> described the Business License Tax which was increased in 1988, an <br /> increase in the Real Property Transfer Tax in 1989, and an increase in <br /> the Utility Users' Tax for commercial properties in 1990. <br /> He said in the fall of 1990 it became clear the recession was affecting <br /> the City's revenue. The City Manager went to the City Council and told <br /> them drastic approaches and actions needed to be taken and recommended <br /> the Budget Refocus Program, an 18-month Program to balance the budget. <br /> The Program cut services by $2. 1 million and eliminated 29 full -time <br /> and 15 part-time positions. <br /> Mr. Oliver said it became clear additional work was needed to meet a $3 <br /> million deficit in the next two years and the City Manager proposed <br /> several alternatives, including 10%-across-the-board service reductions <br /> or an equal -pain alternative which reduced operating costs while <br /> raising additional revenue through a lighting and landscaping <br /> assessment district. He said this plan was proposed in 1991 and he <br /> reviewed the process, which included surveys sent to all households in <br /> San Leandro, two open forums, and numerous articles and presentations <br /> to the public. <br /> He said the original plan for a $10.20-per-month assessment was reduced <br /> downward to $5.97, and then further reduced by recommendation of the <br /> Finance Committee to $4.98 per month. He said that program keeps all <br /> sworn police and fire personnel while maintaining the quality of the <br /> organization and providing additional revenue of $1 .6 million over the <br /> next five years to provide needed services. <br /> He described further economic unknowns in the future, such as problems <br /> with the State's budget, which will not be adopted until after the <br /> City's budget is adopted. He said there is a probability that the <br /> State will try to take Vehicle License Fees from the City, and there is <br /> already an additional City deficit of $500,000 that was not anticipated <br /> for this year. He said staff needs direction from the City Council so <br /> the 1992-1993 budget can be prepared. <br /> John Jermanis, Finance Director, gave an overview of the current <br /> financial state of the City. He said there were two components to the <br /> Financial Plan to address the deficit and to provide disaster <br /> preparedness. He discussed the breakdown of the current City budget. <br /> He said if expenditures continue to grow at 6% and revenue at 4% there <br /> will be a $6.9 million deficit over the next five years. He said over <br /> 75% of the General Fund revenue comes from Property Taxes, Utility <br /> Taxes, Sales Taxes, and Cigarette and Vehicle-License Fees. <br />
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