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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 21, 1992 Page - 8 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> June Catalano, Planning and Building Department Director, spoke <br /> regarding the Commercial Preservation Ordinance. She said the <br /> Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance currently is enforced in <br /> residential areas, and the Commercial Preservation Ordinance was <br /> developed to include commercial and industrial properties. She said <br /> the community has indicated it wants the Community Preservation <br /> Ordinance enforced, and she said it is not possible to implement it <br /> with current staff. She said the proposal is for a phased increase in <br /> Business License Fees of 8% in 1992-93 and 7% in 1993-94. She said the <br /> Business License Fees would still remain relatively low because San <br /> Leandro's Fees are based upon the number of employees rather than on <br /> gross sales of the business. <br /> John Jermanis reviewed the costs associated with the Assessment <br /> Districts and discussed how the assessment engineer did the preliminary <br /> review. He said the equivalent per-dwelling unit fee is $4.98 per <br /> month and includes apartment units and mobile homes. He said the <br /> commercial fee is applied on an acreage basis of approximately 8 units <br /> per acre and approximately 4 units per acre for industrial . He said <br /> the fee would be collected with property taxes each year by the County. <br /> He reviewed the projected assessment for each year and subsequent <br /> years. He said there would be a Public Hearing each year. <br /> Mike Oliver said the proposal is a snapshot. He said the financial <br /> condition can get better or worse. He said the City Council has also <br /> identified 29 additional areas for review. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> The City Clerk noted that letters had been received regarding the <br /> Financial Plan from The San Leandro North Area Business and <br /> Professional Association, David Davini , Jack Goodrich, the San Leandro <br /> Chamber of Commerce, Louise Lovewell , Judi Allum, and Dan Gatto. <br /> Bob Leigh, President of Associated Homeowners of San Leandro, Inc. , <br /> read a letter from Associated Homeowners that said all 14 of the <br /> homeowners associations felt the wrong approach has been taken to <br /> resolve the financial problems of the City. He asked the City to go <br /> into an immediate hiring freeze, requiring City Council approval for <br /> new hires. He said the City should evaluate the cost effectiveness of <br /> management bonuses and asked for the costs for last year and the <br /> current year. He said no mention was made in the City newsletter that <br /> the Assessment District plan was a five-year plan and not a one-year <br /> plan. <br /> Council Member Faria said the Associated Homeowners' letter said all <br /> the homeowners associations took the same position, but he had received <br /> two letters and talked to a number of other homeowners' associations <br /> who said they did not agree with the contents of the letter. <br />