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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 21, 1992 Page - 9 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Mr. Leigh said this had been discussed over several months and votes <br /> had been taken. He said perhaps some of the Presidents went back to <br /> their boards and then talked to their associations. <br /> Council Member Santos said Paul Nahm, President of the Bay-O-Vista <br /> Improvement Association, says his Association does not agree with the <br /> contents of Mr. Leigh's letter, nor did the Marina Faire Homeowners' <br /> Association take a vote on it. He said the Huntington Park Homeowners' <br /> Association did not vote either. He said it appears the Associated <br /> Homeowners' Association delegates did not take Mr. Leigh's plan back to <br /> their groups. <br /> Mr. Leigh said it was not his intention to misrepresent anyone, but he <br /> felt the Financial Plan matter should be put on the ballot. <br /> Council Member Perry said the City must have a budget ready to go in <br /> June. She noted 50% of the budget is dedicated to police and fire <br /> services and asked what services Mr. Leigh's group felt could be cut. <br /> Mr. Leigh said he felt that was the Council 's job to determine. He had <br /> no specific recommendations. <br /> John Endicott, Vice President of Development for Westfield Corporation, <br /> Owners of Bay Fair Mall , said the Mall is affected like everyone else <br /> by the recession. He said malls generate income for cities. He said <br /> the level of service in the City has a direct impact on the Mall , on <br /> prospective tenants, and on customers. He said Westfield would not <br /> oppose the Financial Plan and the Assessment Districts. <br /> Council Member Santos asked if Bay Fair would be willing to provide <br /> space for a police substation. It was suggested that staff discuss <br /> this with Mr. Endicott. <br /> • <br /> George Piperis, 325 Beverly Avenue, said San Leandro is less safe today <br /> than one year ago. He discussed the elimination of five full -time <br /> police positions last year and said without the Financial Plan forty <br /> additional full - and part-time positions would be eliminated. He said <br /> the budget deficit has not occurred because the City has been poorly <br /> run or managed but because of declining revenue. He said as a <br /> homeowner he will lose in the long run, if the Financial Plan is not <br /> adopted, through deteriorating property values, and he encouraged the <br /> City Council to vote positively on the Financial Plan. <br /> Mayor Karp announced that he was scheduled to fly to Washington, D.C. , <br /> to discuss funding and would be leaving the meeting. <br />