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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - February 3, 1992 Page - 10 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> He noted some minor modifications that would be made related to the <br /> bakery use and produce sales areas. He said an emergency generator <br /> would be installed, the trash compactor would be relocated, and an area <br /> of the parking lot that is now the site of public dumping of trash <br /> would be fenced off to eliminate this problem. He said all of the <br /> existing landscaping will be refurbished and replaced and Sav Mart will <br /> have its own security guards and its own maintenance company. <br /> He said during the Planning Commission Hearing Deacon Jow from the San <br /> Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church had expressed concern regarding <br /> liquor sales, security, and whether the Church would still be able to <br /> use parking at the site on Sundays. Mr. Weisbrod said only beer and <br /> wine would be sold at the store, Sav Mart would have its own security <br /> people on site at night so the area should be safer, and the Church <br /> would still be permitted to use 20 parking spaces on Sunday. <br /> He said the Planning Commission expressed concerns related to the <br /> proposal to paint the masonry-block building white and close off the <br /> windows, but the Applicant had agreed not to paint the building and to <br /> install a new facade with the company's logo. He said a Condition <br /> could be added so the windows would not be blocked by displays of <br /> goods. He said outside cart storage would be in a fenced area along <br /> the front of the building. <br /> Council Member Glaze asked if improvements had been proposed to the <br /> traffic circulation for the Greenhouse Market Place area. He said <br /> traffic circulation in and around the Market Place has been a problem <br /> for a number of years. He said there are conflicting stop signs and <br /> vehicles must meander through the Greenhouse Market Place parking lot <br /> to approach the subject site. <br /> Bill Algire, Engineering and Transportation Department Director, said <br /> Traffic Engineering had not reviewed the proposed traffic plan from <br /> this aspect, but he would take the matter back to the Traffic <br /> Engineering Section to review the circulation plan and to make any <br /> recommendations. <br /> Council Member Perry said she felt the Conditions of Approval for <br /> Greenhouse Market Place had been circumvented and traffic is worse all <br /> the time. She also asked if security at Greenhouse Market Place <br /> interfaced with the proposed security for the subject site. Mr. <br /> Weisbrod said the subject site would provide its own security people, <br /> who would not be part of Greenhouse Market Place. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Corbett, Mr. Weisbrod <br /> said the Shopping Cart Ordinance had been explained to the Applicant, <br /> and he understood it would be his responsibility to gather his carts. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa said he wished to see some sort of Condition <br /> related to the windows so the windows would not be blocked by displays <br /> on the inside. <br />