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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - February 18, 1992 Page - 2 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> should be on the ballot. She said there should be other ways for the <br /> City to reduce costs; everyone is in a recession, and this is not the <br /> time to ask for more money. She said the Floresta Homeowners <br /> Association is opposed to the Assessment Districts. <br /> B. Christine Scobee, 495 Fortuna Avenue, said she felt the $5.00 per month <br /> assessment was a small amount to pay. She noted the costs that would <br /> be involved if the petitions currently being circulated require an <br /> election. She said if the Assessment District is approved it would <br /> only provide six months of revenue in the upcoming fiscal year and <br /> would result in a loss of public loyalty. She said perhaps a new City <br /> Manager may have some new ideas and pointed out that staff is currently <br /> reviewing 30 cost-saving ideas. She said the process needs to be <br /> slowed down, and it needs to be determined if there is a better way to <br /> handle things. She said attempts to explain the need for the <br /> Assessment Districts have not been successful . She noted Acting City <br /> Manager Mike Oliver addressed the Broadmoor Neighborhood Association <br /> and did a very good job. She said people are not aware of the size of <br /> the deficit. She recommended the City Council rescind approval of the <br /> Assessment Districts and work out alternates during the upcoming fiscal <br /> year and work with the community to develop an alternative plan. She <br /> said, if all non-Assessment District plans have been considered, the <br /> citizens will have enough knowledge, and there will be a new City <br /> Council on board to consider Assessment Districts. <br /> C. Rick Parker, 215 Oakes, said he is a self-employed businessman. He <br /> said he thinks there are areas for cuts instead of Police, Fire, and <br /> recreation for kids. He said businesses are hit twice by the proposed <br /> Assessment Districts. He said people who use his business are people <br /> who are on Social Security or pensions and $100 is a lot of money to <br /> them. <br /> D. Whitey Harder, 91 Broadmoor Boulevard, suggested the City Council look <br /> into using people from jails to help with street-patching work. He <br /> said there is a lot of work that can be done by people who are on <br /> welfare or by the elderly at a low cost. He said retired people are <br /> happy to help. He thanked Bob Glaze for his recent discussions and <br /> said he was very happy after talking to Council Member Glaze. Mr. <br /> Harder spoke at length regarding trucks using Broadmoor Boulevard. He <br /> said the Police Department does not ticket trucks, and he is unable to <br /> get information from the Police Department. He said he does not feel <br /> the Police Department is doing its job in this area. <br /> Council Member Corbett pointed out a memorandum from Lt. Randy Stout, <br /> stating the Traffic Division would be increasing the enforcement on <br /> Broadmoor Boulevard. She asked Mr. Harder to contact her if this <br /> action is not taken and she will follow up on it. <br /> Mr. Oliver apologized for the incident in the City Manager's Office <br /> last year. Mr. Harder said this made him very happy. <br />