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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 6, 1992 Page - 23 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Steve Meyers, City Attorney, said State Lands has indicated that it is <br /> interested in having East Bay Regional Parks operate the site, but they <br /> want a comprehensive management plan prior to entering into an <br /> agreement for management. He said State Lands is not willing to be <br /> part of the assessment district. He said the City or Citation would be <br /> required to pay for management of land by someone else. <br /> Council Member Perry said East Bay Regional Parks suggests some type of <br /> indexing and asked what this is about. Mr. Vitz said there was an <br /> annual cap but it should be able to be adjusted due to inflation. He <br /> said that in 30 years a fixed amount of $100,000 would not be a <br /> realistic number. <br /> Council Member Faria asked if it had to be a Regional Park or if it <br /> could be a San Leandro Park with fees to offset costs. He said he <br /> doesn't feel the homeowners association or the City should have <br /> liability. <br /> Council Member Santos pointed out the potential liability to the <br /> community and its citizens and said they were tremendous and no agency <br /> has come forward to lend support. He said there have been a lot of <br /> discussions. He said a number of people felt East Bay Regional Park <br /> District was going to bail the City out on this project. <br /> Council Member Faria asked what would happen if this development is not <br /> built. He asked if East Bay Regional Parks would still manage the <br /> property and if the City would still have to have the same conditions <br /> applied. <br /> Steve Meyers, City Attorney, said the City has an obligation to <br /> complete the circulation and drainage plan for the State Lands parcel . <br /> He said funds currently targeted for the assessment district could be <br /> used to pay for those costs. He said State Lands will not let anyone <br /> have control over the property unless there is a management plan, <br /> funding, etc. He said if no funds are raised through the assessment <br /> district there will have to be funding through the City's General Fund <br /> or Marina Fund. He said the drainage and circulation plan must be <br /> implemented per the Corps of Engineers, but the City does not know if <br /> the Corps of Engineers would require them to maintain the site as a <br /> condition of future dredging. He said funding has to come from some <br /> source such as the assessment district, the General Fund or the Marina <br /> Fund. <br /> Council Member Glaze said it irritates him that East Bay Regional Park <br /> District will take over this area but does not want to have a liability <br /> to pay for it. <br />