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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 6, 1992 Page - 25 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Barbara Shockley, 1890 Bockman Road, San Lorenzo, said the U.S. Army <br /> Corps of Engineers sent a public notice about their environmental <br /> assessment out and they are going to use the site by Alcatraz for some <br /> dredge spoils. She said CALM has been told by the Corps of Engineers <br /> that the disposal of spoils from the San Leandro Marina dredging could <br /> be accommodated there rather than on the Citation property. She said <br /> this would eliminate the need for the City to purchase the dredge <br /> spoils area from Citation and it could return to the jurisdiction of <br /> the Corps of Engineers and relieve the City from the MOU with Citation. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Faria, Mr. Meyers said <br /> the Corps of Engineers has jurisdiction over the dredge disposal site. <br /> Janice Delfino, Representing Ohlone Audubon Society, 18673 Reamer Road, <br /> Castro Valley, said her comments were contained in the EIR and she <br /> would not speak at this time. <br /> Dan Henriques, 2441 Kilkare Road, Sunol , said the white man has lived <br /> in this land for 300 years and Indians have lived here for thousands of <br /> years. He said the Indians survived because they lived with the <br /> environment. He spoke at length about the effect of gold mining on the <br /> environment of the State and said it depleted hillsides and vegetation <br /> and top soil . He said salmon spawning areas have been wiped out and <br /> the level of the Bay has been raised and wetlands have been destroyed, <br /> all because of economic greed. He said man has altered the Robert's <br /> Landing area significantly with fill , damming, etc. He said at one <br /> time this area harbored abundant wildlife. He said he hopes the City <br /> Council recognizes the value of this open space and the potential <br /> there. He said it is just a matter of reversing man's ignorance. He <br /> said in this day and age it is negligent to do a project without <br /> knowing all of the environmental impacts. <br /> Joe Grigsby, a Carpenters Union Representative, 331 Moraga Avenue, <br /> Piedmont, said over 400 people from his Union are out of work and they <br /> recently lost 20 apprentices who decided to look for other types of <br /> work. He said this project would produce somewhere around 600 jobs and <br /> that every job in the construction industry produces 47 other jobs. He <br /> said it is important to him to see some work in the area. He said the <br /> $150,000 condominiums will provide low-income housing, which is needed <br /> in San Leandro. He said the area looks terrible now and needs to be <br /> cleaned up, which this project would do. He said the opponents have <br /> said the problems with the site will discourage fires but he doesn't <br /> agree because there will be a lot of land surrounding the area. <br />