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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 6, 1992 Page - 26 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Art Sherrell , 404 E. Merle Court, said he doesn't think the development <br /> should be built. He said this is wetlands and marshes along the Bay <br /> and they are being spoiled throughout the Nation. He said this is also <br /> the habitat of the salt marsh harvest mouse and by law it must be <br /> protected. He said he is seeing cats attack rabbits, rats, etc. , and <br /> it is just the nature of cats to do so even if they are not hungry. He <br /> noted how easily cats can jump very high fences and said it would be <br /> impossible to keep them out of the marshes. He said there would be <br /> problems related to flooding, high tides, and house failure due to <br /> swelling of clay soils and asked who would be responsible for claims <br /> from the property owners. <br /> Mayor Karp pointed out the property on Plan 1 is not on the wetlands <br /> area and Plan 2 provides 28 acres of wetlands in exchange for 13.2 <br /> acres of fill . <br /> Jim Brown, Secretary-Treasurer of the Alameda County Building Trades <br /> Council , 8400 Enterprise Way, Oakland, said he has been involved with <br /> every environmental impact report in Alameda County for the last 12 <br /> years. He said it is important to look at the lengths to which the EIR <br /> has gone to mitigate the impacts on the site. He asked that the City <br /> Council support this project. He said he lived in San Leandro during <br /> operation of the Trojan Powder Plant. He said affordable housing is <br /> needed in San Leandro and this project makes the wetlands accessible <br /> for everyone, not just a few people. He said this project does not <br /> take anything away, it adds to the community. He said this is an <br /> opportunity for the City to adopt a program that will bring a very good <br /> balance of housing. He said Citation is a good firm and this is a <br /> long-term benefit for the working men and women of the community. <br /> Paul Cappa, 15273 Inverness Street, said he would like to see this <br /> project proceed to the next step. He said it is much needed in Alameda <br /> County. He said the housing and jobs are desperately needed in San <br /> Leandro and the project would add to the area and not take away. <br /> Dave Perry, 2012 W. 134th Avenue, said he is a native San Leandran, his <br /> family has lived here since the 1920's. He said he and his children <br /> support reasonable growth and Robert's Landing is a good plan which <br /> will preserve most of the wetlands and not destroy them. He says he <br /> favors reasonable development and this development will bring jobs, <br /> revenue and business to the community. <br /> John Bailey, 495 Fortuna Avenue, said his comments are contained on <br /> page 348 of Volume 2 of the EIR. He said he is concerned that his <br /> questions were not answered under his comments regarding geology and <br /> seismic. He said there is a notation that says comment noted. He said <br /> the "S" Overlay allows the City Council to evaluate things at a later <br /> date, such as traffic, liquefaction, soils drainage, etc. He said the <br /> City should identify environmental impacts which the mitigation will <br />