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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 6, 1992 Page - 19 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> project has the support of most of the commercial property owners in the <br /> area. She said this is an infill site, designed to appeal to seniors <br /> and first-time buyers. She said it fits well with the site and <br /> requested City Council approval . <br /> In response to City Council questions, Mrs. Selover described the <br /> amenities that could be installed for seniors, such as grab bars. <br /> Dick Fors, 820 St. Mary, said he is the brother of Lance Fors, the <br /> Applicant. He read comments from property owners and business people in <br /> favor of the project, including Jake's Lion, Mark Lauper, Brian <br /> Lucchesi , Spinardi 's Art and Tile, Elaine Hawkins, and Richard Low. <br /> Ellen Geis, 834 Cary Drive, referred to an article and photograph in the <br /> San Leandro Times. She said .the condominium building would be higher <br /> than the existing "hangar" building. She said she is trying to protect <br /> the stable area. She said the proposed project is out of size and has <br /> a view over the freeway and into everyone's backyards. She said the <br /> condominiums on Davis and Estudillo do not back up to R-1 homes, and <br /> they are mostly rented today. She is afraid that will happen at this <br /> location. She noted there are many condominiums for sale now. She <br /> wondered what would happen if Piper's Restaurant wanted to add two <br /> stories of banquet rooms with windows. <br /> Emily Ray, 1103 MacArthur Boulevard, asked why someone from out of the <br /> area could come in and say what should be built. She said she was not <br /> in favor of the project and would prefer to see a small shopping area <br /> with parking. She said sometimes there is not enough parking in the <br /> area now. She said she could not put living quarters above her office <br /> when she built it. She said she has clients come in from the 160th <br /> Avenue area who are trying to move because of the drug problems in that <br /> area. She said MacArthur Boulevard is all commercial and it's working <br /> well . She said these units will look into the homes behind them and <br /> lead to burglary and cause problems for resale. <br /> Linda Dold, 1127 Begier Avenue, said she chose to live in this area <br /> because of its charm, sense of intimacy, etc. She said Flair Market was <br /> gone because the Mathews' had raised the rent. She said residents of <br /> the area shop in Castro Valley. She said it would be more in tune with <br /> the neighborhood to have small businesses to serve the area. She said <br /> condominiums are not wanted or needed and are incompatible with the <br /> neighborhood. She said the area should remain commercial . <br /> Janette Aidnik, 988 Collier Drive, said she loves the neighborhood. It <br /> is quiet and there are people she can trust around her. She said the <br /> area on 167th is supposed to be single family and seniors but it is not. <br /> She is concerned about who will live in these units, parking, and <br /> looking into backyards. She said if they could guarantee seniors and <br /> singles it would be alright, but she feels they will sell to whoever can <br /> afford it. <br />