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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 6, 1992 Page - 22 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Jim Brown, Secretary/Treasurer of Alameda County Building Trades, said <br /> there is no property in Alameda County of this size where single-family <br /> homes can be built. He said anyone who could qualify for a $180,000 <br /> home would be welcome to the community. He said no one wants to see <br /> neighborhoods change, but this is a good change and he hoped the City <br /> Council would approve the appeal . <br /> Chuck Fugel , Plumbers and Gas Fitters Union, asked the City Council to <br /> uphold the Appeal and allow the project to be built. He said this <br /> project has no mice, no least terns, no earthquake faults. He said this <br /> is not a huge developer. He said he can see into his neighbors' homes <br /> from his single-family home and that should not be an issue. He said <br /> the developer has taken the time to meet with the Planning Commission, <br /> and the adjacent residents are not objecting to the project. <br /> John Glaub, 1050 Lee Avenue, member of the Board of Estudillo Homeowners <br /> Association, said associations typically oppose development. He said <br /> there are positive and negative developments. He said they support <br /> development but will oppose development that increases congestion and <br /> diminishes safety. He said they support compatible, clean developments. <br /> He said they support commercial development of this site and support the <br /> Planning Commission's decision. <br /> Patt James, 940 Rodney Drive, said she lives across from St. Mary's <br /> Street and she would be able to view this site. She said the project is <br /> out of scale with the neighborhood, the density is higher than single- <br /> family residential , and it does not meet parking needs and exceeds <br /> permitted height. She said it closes off the viewshed and the trees <br /> will not mitigate it. She said infill housing is needed, but it should <br /> be near mass transit. She said commercial uses are needed in this area. <br /> Larry Reynolds, 880 St. Mary Avenue, said he would be in favor of the <br /> development if it were only two stories and a senior center, such as the <br /> one downtown. He said seniors don't want to live in buildings which <br /> also have children. He said the visitor parking is inadequate and <br /> visitors would have to park across the street, which would create a <br /> pedestrian hazard. He said there is often no parking on the streets <br /> because of Jake's. He said he lived in a house with trees at the <br /> property line and there was no sun. <br /> Michael Gonsalves, 810 Lee Avenue, said he objects to the scale of the <br /> building. He said the size and density don't fit in with single-family <br /> units. He said this proposal would not stand the test of time as have <br /> the single-family homes in the area. <br /> John Water, 916 Bridge Road, said he bought his home because of the <br /> style of homes, the people, and the closeness to shopping. He said <br /> people use Bridge Road as a cutoff. He is concerned about creating more <br /> traffic. He said the size is too big and it should be scaled down to <br /> two stories. <br /> • <br />