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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 6, 1992 Page - 23 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Aaron Brown, 958 Bridge Road, said he is opposed to the proposal and it <br /> should be smaller and shorter. He does not think this would be good for <br /> the neighborhood. <br /> Phil Daly, 957 Bridge Road, said he is concerned that this would turn a <br /> traditional commercial zone into a residential zone. He said he thinks <br /> in the long term the area could support locally oriented retail and <br /> commercial . He said any residential should be compatible with the <br /> surrounding area and stacked condos are not compatible. He said in 60 <br /> years this won't be in the same condition as the neighborhood and won't <br /> regenerate itself like the single-family homes do. <br /> Valeria Hansen, 820 St. Mary Avenue, said she formerly ran Hansen's Feed <br /> and Fuel on the site. She said commercial use is not feasible and the <br /> area has been overbuilt with stores and offices. She said if they build <br /> stores, they would not be rented because there are too many vacancies in <br /> the area. She said she believes condos would suit the neighborhood and <br /> look well there. She said they would be quiet, unlike stores, and her <br /> neighbors are in support. <br /> Louise Simmons, 7840 Hillmont Drive, Oakland, said she'd like to get out <br /> of Oakland and live in one of these condos because of the safety. She <br /> thinks they are beautiful . <br /> Doug Federighi , 1051 MacArthur Boulevard, said he has an office right <br /> next to the site. He said he read the information from the homeowners <br /> association saying he was against the project, and this is not true. He <br /> said this is a quality proposal and the developer asked people's <br /> opinions before they started and solicited opinions as they went along. <br /> He said they met every test of the Specific Plan, and he urged the City <br /> Council to approve the project. <br /> Kathy Selover, 274 Roble Avenue, Redwood City, said she supports the <br /> project and read and submitted letters in support of the project from <br /> homeowners on St. Mary Avenue: Elsie Barth, Margaret Enos, Josephine <br /> Palmer, Vanda Vihracheff, Larry Lubran, Anne Lubran, and Greg Neish. <br /> She said in Redwood City, the residents fought for a senior development <br /> in a site such as this, and it has been very successful . <br /> Mike Pretto, 775 Bridge Road, and Member of the Planning Commission, <br /> said he was before the City Council as a resident. He said he voted <br /> against the project. He feels the loss of commercial would be <br /> detrimental to the area, and he would rather see commercial uses. Mayor <br /> Karp asked Mr. Pretto, if this project were approved, would he be able <br /> to review it with an open mind. Mr. Pretto said he would. <br /> Joseph Walsh, 1096 Begier Avenue, said he is concerned the condominiums <br /> would turn into rental units. He said he did not believe people in Bay <br /> 0 Vista would move into these units. He said security would be a <br /> problem with rental units. He asked the City Council to turn down the <br /> project. <br />