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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 17, 1992 Page- 2 - <br /> PRESENTATIONS (continued) <br /> Mayor Karp also congratulated Caren Bonnet. It was noted she plans on <br /> being a physical therapist. Mayor Karp noted she is extremely active <br /> in the community and has done a good job on the Commission. <br /> The Mayor noted that the Youth Advisory Commission has been doing fine <br /> work in the community. <br /> The Council Members commended each of the out-going Commissioners and <br /> noted their activities in the community and their efforts in creating <br /> the first Youth Advisory Commission and their service to the youth and <br /> adults of the community. <br /> 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> A. May Roberts, 1490 Montrose Drive, said she would like to speak <br /> regarding the Negative Declaration for the Parcel Map on Montrose <br /> Drive. She said the plan for the driveway is very close to her <br /> property line. She said the deer trail will be affected, shrubs will <br /> be removed, and soil erosion will be a problem. She said she did not <br /> know if anyone from the City had gone out and looked at the property <br /> and foreseen the impact of the proposal . <br /> Mayor Karp said this item is a subdivision map which is just a <br /> property-line division between the two properties. He said the house <br /> plans would go before the Building Department and the width of the <br /> driveway, etc. , would be covered by Code. <br /> Bill Silva, City Engineer, said this is a Parcel Map which will create <br /> two buildable lots out of one parcel . He said the developer would need <br /> to meet all grading and set-back requirements of the Building and <br /> Zoning Codes. He said the only action tonight is on the Negative <br /> Declaration and the Parcel Map. <br /> 6. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> A. Minutes of the meeting of August 3, 1992 were approved as submitted. <br /> B. Resolution Approving Contractual Services Agreement with Nystrom <br /> Engineering Relating to Proposed Peralta Area Construction/ Acquisition <br /> District Assessment Engineering (provides for the preparation of an <br /> Engineer's Report and a map of the District, required by the Streets <br /> and Highways Code) . Removed from the Consent Calendar to New Business. <br /> C. Resolution Approving License Agreement, ATC Building Company (DBA Wells <br /> Fargo Bank) , 1298 East 14th Street (approves the continued use, <br /> operation, and maintenance of bank equipment and signage on Paseo Del <br /> Oro and Estudillo Parking Garage) . Removed from the Consent Calendar <br /> to New Business. <br />