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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 17, 1992 Page - 9 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> D. Resolution Certifying Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, <br /> Approving Subdivision Improvement Agreement, and Approving Parcel Map <br /> 5845, for Two, Single-Family, Residential Units at the Easterly End of <br /> Montrose Drive; Developer - Loong-Fah Lu and Li Chuan Chen (certifies <br /> Negative Declaration as complete and in compliance with CEQA <br /> requirements, approves Subdivision Improvement Agreement, and approves <br /> Parcel Map 5845) . <br /> Bill Silva, City Engineer, said the proposed Parcel Map proposes to <br /> subdivide one piece of land on the east end of Montrose Drive into two <br /> parcels. He said Negative Declaration Findings concluded that two <br /> houses can be built on the parcels if all requirements of the Building <br /> Code, Zoning Code, and Subdivision Act are met. He said a Subdivision <br /> Agreement will be required. He said the developer would be required to <br /> construct the improvements for the remainder of the cul -de-sac at the <br /> east end of Montrose Drive. He said property line set backs are <br /> prescribed in the Zoning Code and plans must be submitted to the <br /> Building Division. <br /> Mayor Karp asked what controls would be imposed for the dwellings to <br /> keep the hill from slipping and asked if the developer would have to <br /> submit a soils report or a geologic study. Mr. Silva said such reports <br /> would be required prior to issuance of the foundation permits. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked what impact the development would have on the <br /> houses above it and asked if retaining walls would be required. Mr. <br /> Silva said no retaining walls would be required at this point. He said <br /> some would be constructed as part of the driveway access. He said <br /> grading would match the existing areas and cuts above the hill would <br /> not have any impact on the properties above. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa asked if there would be any cutting into the <br /> hill . Mr. Silva said there would be cutting to create a building pad, <br /> but it would not affect the properties above. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa noted that, when the developer who built in <br /> the hospital area cut into the hill , they lost the houses above. Mr. <br /> Silva said this area is quite different from the area adjacent to the <br /> hospital . He said there are no reports regarding slides or slippages. <br /> Mayor Karp noted there was a creek behind the hospital . <br /> Mr. Silva said this property drains to the end of the cul -de-sac. He <br /> said the improvements will include drainage improvements such as <br /> interceptor ditches. He said there are no springs identified in the <br /> area and a soils report will be prepared for the site. He said the <br /> building will be designed with drainage facilities and soil erosion <br /> protection that meets the requirements of the geological investigation. <br />