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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 10, 1991 Page - 3 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Mrs. Catalano explained that removal of required landscaping in violation <br /> of the Conditions of Approval would be a misdemeanor. She explained that <br /> Homeowners Association for the subdivision will be required at all times <br /> to maintain $1000 in a special fund specifically to replace required <br /> landscaping. If landscaping were removed and not replaced by Homeowners <br /> Association, the City would replace the landscaping and the Association <br /> would be required to pay for the replacement plantings and the City's costs <br /> from this fund, and to assess the properties owners to replenish the fund. <br /> She noted that the landscaping requirements would be part of the CC&R's for <br /> the subdivision and would also be included in the Conditions of Approval <br /> so that City could enforce the requirements. She said a Landscape Architect <br /> would be utilized, at Association's expense, to inspect the landscaping and <br /> to advise the City re replacement landscaping. Failure to comply with the <br /> Conditions of Approval would be a civil or criminal matter, pursuable <br /> through the courts. The Conditions of Approval would not allow amendment <br /> to CC&R's on this matter. She also described the proposal for formation <br /> of a Landscape Assessment District to maintain the frontage improvements <br /> along Lake Chabot Road as well as any other adjacent areas as directed by <br /> the City Council . <br /> Mrs. Catalano then distributed resumes for and explained that three <br /> independent consultants would now make presentations to the City Council <br /> related to geotechnical and seismic safety concerns. <br /> Peter Kaldveer, President, Kaldveer Associates, described his geotechnical/ <br /> geoscience firm and explained the roles of Engineering Geologists, <br /> Geotechnical Engineers and Structural Engineers, all of whom would be <br /> addressing the City Council . He provided background information on his firm <br /> and described some of the firm's East Bay projects. <br /> David Hoexter, Kaldveer Associates, described the process of technical <br /> investigation of a site like the subject site. He said a preliminary <br /> geologic hazards evaluation is conducted to delineate major concerns, <br /> followed by three or four technical investigations. He said a grading plan <br /> is then developed, and a detailed review process is undertaken. He further <br /> described the review and approval process, as well as the inspections and <br /> reviews undertaken during construction. He said the primary areas of <br /> interest to a geologist are related to the potential for land rupture, <br /> potential for land slides, finished grade walls, and the general seismicity <br /> of the site. <br /> The City Council asked questions regarding the fault zones on the site; the <br /> potential for seepage, ground failures, and landslides; and the reaction <br /> during acceleration of fill vs bedrock. <br /> Mr. Hoexter described the basic grading plan, to grade a knoll on the site <br /> and utilize the material from the knoll for fill . He said the State's <br /> geologist has delineated faults which are potentially active. He said the <br /> intent in planning a project is to avoid placing new structures across fault <br /> zones. He said the Alquist Priolo Act requires subsurface investigation <br />