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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 19, 1991 Page - 10 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Mayor Karp asked if anyone in the audience desired to speak regarding <br /> the issue. <br /> Steve Chandler, an attorney representing the Neves family, said his <br /> clients believe there is no reasonable basis for this modification. <br /> He said they feel the speeding problem should be addressed by targeting <br /> the speeders through police enforcement, before destroying a resident's <br /> property as it has been for 40 years. He said the staff report <br /> substantiates the fact that there have been no accidents due to this <br /> curve in the past three years. He suggested that the original design <br /> was intended to prevent cars from stacking on Williams St. , and that <br /> the change may cause stacking and subsequent accidents. He said the <br /> Neves' driveway is safe as it is currently designed, and if the design <br /> is changed, the family will have to back out of their driveway into the <br /> intersection, which may complicate the matter rather than solving the <br /> problem. He also said that the change of the curb line will require <br /> the family to park within the right-of-way of Williams St. He also <br /> discussed the problem of students from John Muir Junior High School <br /> loitering in this location. He said the residents have a problem with <br /> loiterers now, during the school year, and they feel the problem will <br /> be compounded with the increase in the area of the sidewalk as a result <br /> of the change. <br /> Mayor Karp asked staff for a clarification of the proposed new driveway <br /> design for the Neves' home. <br /> Roy Parker explained that there were three designs presented to the <br /> family and described them to the Council . <br /> The City Council asked questions related to installation of the new <br /> driveway, cost for the installation, and maintenance of the new sidewalk <br /> and driveway. <br /> Mike Oliver, Assistant City Manager, said the City will not require <br /> the Neves' to assume responsibility for the sidewalk improvements. <br /> Al Rosenga, 534 Parrott St. , asked where the new sidewalk would be laid <br /> and what would happen to the existing sidewalk. He also commented that <br /> if the speeding problem isn't corrected as a result of this <br /> modification, a resident on the east side of the street could end up <br /> with a vehicle in their yard. He asked if it would be possible to <br /> install a trial barrier at this location, to see how the modification <br /> could affect traffic. <br /> Mayor Karp stated that the City may require a legal opinion regarding <br /> the responsibility of the maintenance of the sidewalk. <br /> Steve Meyers said the area of the modification is within the City's <br /> right-of-way, and the modifications will not result in the abandonment <br /> of these areas by the City, creating a unique situation of City <br /> responsibility. <br />