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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 18, 1991 Page - 10 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> She said the Agreement was developed by staff with the cooperation of <br /> the property owners, the businesses, and the City Attorney. She said <br /> the Agreement establishes a level of activities and provides that if <br /> the level of activities is expanded beyond that point there could be <br /> legal action, including revocation of zoning approval . <br /> She said in August 1990 she started to receive complaints from the <br /> Mulford Gardens Improvement Association regarding trucks operating <br /> outside the hours listed in the Agreement. She said based on <br /> information obtained from Best, from the homeowners' association, and <br /> from staff the zoning approval was suspended for 30 days and Best was <br /> required to come into compliance. Best was unable to comply with the <br /> terms of the Agreement, and the zoning approval was revoked. <br /> The matter was appealed to the Planning Commission. At the Commission <br /> meeting, Mr. Anderson, speaking for Best, said their delivery schedule <br /> is dictated by their sole customer, who is the Coca-Cola Company and in <br /> order to meet the requirements of their customer they cannot comply <br /> with the terms of the Agreement. <br /> David Gay, Ruan Leasing Company, also said he was unable to operate his <br /> business under the terms of the Agreement. The Planning Commission <br /> denied the appeal , which was then appealed to the City Council . <br /> Ms. Scilley explained that currently Ruan Leasing Company had ceased <br /> activity at the site but Best was still operating, pending the outcome <br /> of the appeal . She said there is no further evidence to indicate that <br /> Best can operate under the conditions of the Letter of Agreement, and, <br /> although Best accepts their are non-conforming use must comply with the <br /> limitations, they are unable to meet those limitations. She <br /> recommended the City Council uphold the Planning Commission' s denial of <br /> the Appeal . <br /> Council Member Santos asked, when the Coca-Cola contract was initiated <br /> with Best, if Best had asked for any modifications to the Agreement. <br /> Ms. Scilley said Best had asked for modifications at the Planning <br /> Commission meeting, but not prior to the meeting. She described the <br /> on-going violations that had been documented in September, October, and <br /> November 1991 . <br /> Council Member Perry said a statement had been made that if the City <br /> Council denied the Appeal the Development Department could help Best <br /> find a suitable site for relocation. She asked if the Development <br /> Department had undertaken any research on this matter. It was <br /> indicated there are a number of sites available in the I-2 Districts in <br /> San Leandro, and the number of truck trips and the hours of the truck <br /> trips would not be an issue in the I-2 area. <br />