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Minutes 1991 1118
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City Council
Minutes 1991 1118
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• <br /> Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 18, 1991 Page - 14 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> nine tractors and twelve trailers, and that is the same number they <br /> have now. They do not see any additional expansion. She said she had <br /> checked the records for Sundays for the past four weeks and felt only <br /> one truck left at 6:30 in the morning each day. She said it seemed to <br /> her that even if Best were in compliance with the requirements Mr. <br /> Norry and others in the area still wanted them out of the area <br /> completely. She said their drivers have been instructed to be quiet. <br /> She said she did not see how Mr. Norry could be awakened by truck <br /> noises because he was constantly at the terminal during those hours. <br /> She said Ruan had been harassed into leaving the site, even though they <br /> were operating in compliance with the requirements. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Perry, Ms. Rodgers said <br /> truck trips have not increased, but the hours have changed. In <br /> response to a question from Council Member Corbett, she said their <br /> tractors are identified as being Best, the trailers are identified as <br /> BMI , the parent company, and the tankers have a Coca-Cola logo. <br /> William Carrish, representing San Leandrans for Reasonable Growth and <br /> Shoreline Property Owners Association of Neptune Drive, said those <br /> organizations are opposed to the Appeal . He said Mrs. Jones lives <br /> behind Williams Drive, not directly on it, and one of her tenants who <br /> lives on Williams Street has opposed the Appeal . He said one of the <br /> violations was the number of trailers on the premises. He said there <br /> were up to 10-12 per day, although the Agreement says only one may be <br /> on the site. He said the people who testified for Best are interested <br /> in making money. He said he understands that if this Appeal is denied <br /> it limits who Mr. Kerry can rent his property to, but he said approval <br /> of this Appeal would be to the advantage of property owners. He said <br /> Best, Ruan, and Mr. Kerry knew they could not live up to the terms of <br /> the Agreement when they signed it, and they are flaunting their legal <br /> non-conforming use. <br /> Glenn Hilton, Best Manor Homeowners Assoc. , Inc. , 687 Pershing Drive, <br /> said he does not live in the area but feels these violations should not <br /> be permitted and Best should meet the conditions of the letter of the <br /> Agreement. He said he does not understand how they have gotten away <br /> with the violations so long. <br /> Mr. Kerry said, at the time they signed the Agreement, they felt they <br /> could meet the requirements. He said he objected to people saying what <br /> he was thinking at the time he signed it. He said the Ruan employees <br /> were subject to harassment by the neighbors. He said this is a City <br /> Council decision and should not be up to the homeowners' association. <br />
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