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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 18, 1991 Page - 7 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> I . Matter of Golf Course Green Fees Rate Adjustments. <br /> Dennis Smith, Staff Secretary to the Recreation and Parks Commission, <br /> said the proposed golf course green fees rate adjustments were the <br /> culmination of a three-month process. He said there had been meetings <br /> with the golf organizations, and he feels their concerns have been <br /> addressed. He said these fees include a resident/non-resident fee <br /> structure and noted that the two golf courses closer to San Leandro <br /> have increased their fees in excess of that recommended by San Leandro. <br /> The following Motion was then introduced: <br /> MINUTE ORDER NO. 91-104 (1851/1028) <br /> MATTER OF GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES <br /> RATE ADJUSTMENTS <br /> On motion by Council Member Polvorosa who moved its approval , seconded by Council <br /> Member Corbett and carried by the following called vote, the City Council <br /> approved the Golf Course Green Fees Rate Adjustments, as described and <br /> recommended in the November 8, 1991 , Report from Dennis Smith, Recreation-Human <br /> Resources Director. <br /> AYES: Council Members Corbett, Faria, Perry, Polvorosa; Mayor Karp ( 5 ) <br /> NOES: Council Members Glaze and Santos ( 2 ) <br /> ABSENT: None ( 0 ) <br /> J. Matter of Multiple-Family Housing Management-Assistance Plan. <br /> Bill Rugg, Development Department Director, said in the past few years <br /> larger apartment complexes have begun to experience a number of <br /> problems related to crime, specifically drug dealers, and undesirable <br /> tenants. Mr. Rugg said staff has been meeting with the Rental Housing <br /> Organization of the Greater East Bay to develop a program to assist <br /> apartment-complex owners and managers in dealing with the situation. <br /> He introduced three representatives of RHO, Rex Whisnand, Judge Landis, <br /> and John Sullivan. He said the problems exist primarily in larger <br /> apartment complexes and there are a number of actions which could be <br /> helpful . He described six potential programs which could be performed <br /> at basically no out-of-pocket cost to the City. He said these included <br /> establishment of a data bank on drug convictions. He noted that the <br /> data bank would be developed by RHO and the apartment owners and no <br /> information would come from the Police Department. He said another <br /> program would be a vehicle I .D. program in which stickers would be <br /> given to each car that was assigned to a numbered parking space and the <br /> Police Department could monitor parking lots for vehicles that should <br /> not be there. He also described the Apartment-Watch Program, similar <br /> to Neighborhood Watch, a Standard Tenant-Selection Criteria and House <br /> Rules Program that would be set up by RHO, a Manager Certification <br />