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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 21, 1990 Page - 8 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) : <br /> Steve Bayley, Project Engineer, utilizing overhead projections to illustrate <br /> his presentation, reviewed the chronology of public information, including <br /> public information meetings, public hearings, and notices to property owners. <br /> Frank Addiego, Reimer Associates, the Engineer of Work, said his company <br /> prepared the Engineer's Report on the Assessment District. The City Council <br /> was provided with the listing of assessment amounts from the Engineer's <br /> Report. He described the work involved and the notices which had been mailed <br /> and published. He described the City's financial participation and sources <br /> of funds. He said the method of assessment, based upon special benefit to <br /> the parcels being assessed, is in accordance with the City's Underground <br /> Master Plan; the $110 per lineal foot fee is consistent with the Master Plan <br /> so that the City policy prevailed over any other methods of assessment. <br /> Bill Rugg, Community Development Director, discussed the undergrounding <br /> costs for the total Underground District, including Marina Boulevard, the <br /> I-880/Marina Interchange, Teagarden, Alvarado, and the Aladdin-Fairway <br /> Overcrossing. He described the benefits to the property owners from the <br /> undergrounding. He discussed the process for the City to borrow against <br /> future allocations from PG&E and the cost impact on these allocations if the <br /> Assessment District is not approved. He said staff had checked with the <br /> Alameda County Assessor and been informed that the Assessor would not <br /> reassess properties based upon the undergrounding. <br /> Sam Sperry, Bond Counsel , requested that he be permitted to address the <br /> Council at the close of the Public Hearings. He said the legal basis for <br /> the Assessment District is the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and the <br /> Engineer's Report. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Glen Forbes, an attorney representing property owners in the involved <br /> Assessment District, spoke regarding information that was given to the City <br /> Council regarding the assessments. He said that, because of the pre-payments <br /> that had been made, the assessment amounts had changed and he said he wanted <br /> to know the amounts of monies to be contributed through the property owners <br /> and pre-payments. He said that, in meetings in 1988, an Assessment District <br /> had been mentioned, and in 1989 there had been somewhat greater discussion. <br /> He said the amount specified had always been $110 per lineal foot and only <br /> in the last week had property owners been informed that the amount could be <br /> greater than $110. He said he was taken by surprise when he found <br /> Mr. Peterson's protest to the Assessment District was withdrawn. He <br /> submitted a map of the area showing properties which have formally protested. <br /> The City Clerk was asked when the letter withdrawing the protest from Mr. <br /> Peterson was received and responded it was received at 4:00 p.m. the date <br /> of the hearing. <br /> Mr. Forbes said he felt one essential element of an Assessment District is <br /> to show specific benefit to the assessees. He said no studies had been made <br /> to establish benefits and there had been no expert testimony. He repeated <br />